The Hi and Lo directions on my range’s knobs to Mildly – 1037 points –

I kept burning my food or wait forever for the pan to heat up and I finally understand why. Each knob has a different direction for the Hi and Lo (also why isn’t it Low).


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That's pretty much exactly how it is.

OP's stove is GCRE3060AF, or similar. The rightmost knob is inconsistent for reasons I cannot fathom, unless there is some obscure electrical reason. It is an electric stove, and the knobs with multiple ranges do indeed control burners that have multiple potential sizes. One of them has two selectable sizes, and other has three. On these I believe the rationale is that the high setting is the closest and most easily accessible because radiant electric ranges suck [citation not needed] and since they take forever and a day to heat up most users will just leap right to the full blast output setting immediately. I have no idea why the direction on the last knob is backwards from the others, clockwise versus counterclockwise, but it is.

If you're morbidly curious, you can view the entire control panel from OP's stove (or one similar) here.

Also hers a pic

Also seems mildly infuriating to reach across whatever you are cooking to handle the knobs.

I nearly burned myself the other day doing this on my stove. Put the damn knobs down on the front!!!

I can’t decide if I prefer this (my stove is this way) or bumping the knobs with my hips.

My stove has the front knobs, it's gas, and it's been bumped on accidentally more than once and someone else walks into the kitchen and has the horrifying realization that the kitchen smells like gas. I think I prefer the electric stove I had as a kid.

That's why modern gas stoves have safety valves. There's a temp sensor near the burner which automatically shuts the gas off if the burner isn't lit.

That was a choice. We have a young kid who loooves touching buttons and turning knobs.

Well that's fair and relatable. My kid keeps turning on the oven and turning off the dishwasher. Our stove has touch controls on the surface that he hasn't figured out quite yet, but since it's an induction stove it turns off pretty quickly if nothing is on it.

Our dishwasher has buttons on the i side. You need to open the door to control it. Then when you close it it looks clean with no buttons.

Yep. It’s. GCRE3060AFF electric stove. (Other thing I hate is the fan noise when the oven is on, even when not on convection). Your idea of Hi closest to off position makes sense except of that triple knob, the 3rd ring Hi position isn’t at the top.

Have you Google the fan being on all the time? Ours (different model) doesn't do that and they really shouldn't.

It has to do with keeping the internal circuit boards cool so they don’t overheat due to the heat from the oven. We had a stove that did that too. I hated that thing. It would roar like a jet engine for about 30 minutes even after you turned the oven off.

US kitchen appliances are so weird and bad. I don’t get why your stuff doesn’t progress like over here in EU. We get the cleanest, modern, most silent kitchen setups ever.

Because you can make a larger profit by keeping the same design and parts on a crap product and charge you an inflated premium vs selling you a good product with decent R&D and testing. If it’s all crap you can’t tell you’re being fucked. Same thing with sliding guillotinée windows and health insurance.

Probably due to the knob itself and the configuration of the leads coming off of it.

I'm sure there's a lazy engineer reason. But as someone who does engineering semi-professionally, come on! You don't skimp out on UX just because it's easier to make it this way! There is a reason why Murphy's Law exists! And in this case it's actually a fire hazard!

As a UX designer who became an appliance salesman, I challenge you to invent better UX for these features.

Well, for starter. Pick a direction for Lo -> Hi either clockwise or counterclockwise and stick to it.

The rotating knob is great. Haptic feedback. You can see it’s off at a clan r from afar. It’s not an encoder but a potentiometer so each position always has the same function hard coded. Just make them all turn in the same direction.

I would chose counter-clockwise as it’s easier to turn it that way for a right handed person (and that’s how the single burners are designed, all 3 of them (although the warm zone has a weird dead zone for some reason). Start on Lo until it gets to Hi then for multiple ring ones when you hit ring_1 hi and continue you get to ring_2 Lo and so on.