What happened to NSFL?

thebestaquaman@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 265 points –

Back in the day, on other forums than this one, there were tags to differentiate between porn (nsfw) and gore (nsfl). This was nice for people browsing new that had no problem seeing tits, but wanted to avoid degloved hands.

Throughout the years, the NSFL tag went out of use. What happened?


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Anything that could actually use the NSFL tag is probably illegal to have on a website. There's a reason why best gore and live leak don't exist anymore. Hosting that kind of content is going to cause a lot of legal issues. I'm guessing no sites want to encourage that kind of content by offering a specific tag for it

This is just bullshit. Not everything NSFL is illegal. Before I quit reddit, the only reason my r/all wasn't having medical gore constantly pop up was because I individually blocked all of those subreddits as they appeared. If the NSFL tag was a site-wide tag option like NSFW is, I wouldn't have had to do all that effort.

Liveleak doesn't exist? Wow that's news to me.

I know that's not what you meant but liveleak actually did shutdown a couple years ago.

Thank you. I truly didn’t know. Stopped watching snuff after my daughter was born.

I think there's a huge range of stuff that's legal but that many people might want to filter out because it's gross or disgusting.

The tag "NSFL" may have been created for the most egregious pictures (that might be illegal in some cases), but it was generally applied to a much wider range of stuff in practice.

Medical injuries definitely seem like a good candidate and I don't know where pictures of medical injuries would be illegal.

I don't agree, someone who got a nasty cut from a chainsaw while cutting a tree and posting it is definitely gore, should be classed as NSFL, and is very much legal.

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