safe space to Lemmy.World – 550 points –

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can anyone tell me what happened to the beehaw?What I only know about is that it's about CCP.

They only have 4 admins for their server and the massive influx of people across the board, but mainly and being two of the biggest instances with open registration, was apparently causing them issues.

They have a very curated instance they’re wanting to have and that’s on them. While they’re in the top 5 for users currently, that probably won’t last. As more people join, they’ll end up joining instances that don’t ask for answers to question forms.

It’ll be fine. Beehaw will refederate or they’ll wither.

Fine in the long term, but a bit annoying in the next weeks. They had in my opinion already big gaming and tech community, with some interesting discussions, and now we are more fragmented, making the whole thing less attractive and straightforward for new users.

They defederated us because we allowed open registration

That's kind of an oversimplification. The de-federated because they only have four mods and didn't have the ability to effectively moderate all the users from large instances with no vetting process.

on top of that, they were getting some pretty heinous abuse from a couple of users on the open-registration instances

...go on..? And...?

And because this instance had open registration, it quickly became one of the biggest instances. Trolls were using the open registration + federation to harass their community. Because there are a lack of mod tools and the fact they only have 4 mods, they couldn't keep up. In order to keep the community they wanted in tact, they decided to temporarily defederate until they're better equipped to handle it.

They had a safe space they wanted to keep. That’s 100% on them. Ain’t nothing really wrong with it.

It’s only a big deal right now because the user base is small and they were a top 5 instance. Give it a while and they’ll be nothing in the fediverse.

They say it’s temporary but it’s not. As things grow they will defederate more instances and eventually they’ll be a tiny slice. Again, that’s on them. They have a space they want and want to heavily curate. That’s the beauty of the fediverse.

temporarily defederate

Would you like to buy a bridge?

I love how folks on this thread are so sure beehaw’s lying about that - despite the supposed amenable chat they and admins had about the situation. You guys are reeeaaally butthurt about the defed even though it wasn’t personal

Not gonna happen.

I'll bet you a sixpack, assuming you reciprocate.

I’ll take that bet. Too bad there’s no RemindMeBot. I would’ve set one for a year

One year sounds good.

I hope either one of will remember this June 17 2024. Send me a message.

I estimate a 6 pack to be $12.

It is possible to save posts and comments, you can then go to your profile and see them under «Saved».

On another note, I also do not understand why everyone thinks it's a permanent decision when it has clearly been explained before why it was done and what will be done in the future. It is also quite weird how the users that are most mad about it are those that don't even use beehaw.

beehaw doesn't have moderators, only 4 admins. they have closed signups and try hard to curate a particular style of community. and have open signups. some of those users went on beehaw communities to troll, and the amount was too much for beehaw admins to manage in terms of moderation. so they defederated.

Why can't they find mods? Lol

It's not that they can't, it's that they don't want to.

Which is fair enough. Beehaw got started as a side project to putter about with the tech. I respect knowing that you don't want your instance to get too big and sticking to that.

I heard their message boards were getting lots of death threat level nasty messages, the mods said it was too much to deal with case by case.

So begins the game of broken telephone.

Yeah, I heard that the main moderator of beehaw is creating all the accounts himself, and putting those on to defederate (/s people, /s, this is 100% satirical I repeat, this is 100% satirical)