The funny thing about these DDos attacks on Lemmy World is that the hackers seem to forget that other instances exist. to – 325 points –

If they're trying to attack all of Lemmy, or the whole Fediverse, they're doing it wrong. lol

It's like obvious spam emails that put no effort into appearing legitimate. You have the spirit of it, but your heart is in the wrong place.


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Because of the unfortunate centralisation that's happened, with so many people being directed to or choosing to go there, a big DDoS attack on world would disrupt a lot of communities that people on other instances use. It's in everyone's interests to spread the load more, which is why I find it sad when some communities migrate to world. UnixPorn was one, although it was already on which is a larger instance too

I made a kbin before I made a lemmy account. So when one stops working, switch to the other. Although I do like the apps for lemmy much more (sync).

Could also just make a Lemmy account on another instance?

Yeah, there's so many communities on world that even if you're on another instance, a good chunk of content just isn't available.

Don't the communities work even while the instance is down?

I suppose modding them while down would be an issue

Not in the way you think. Yes, you can still comment and post in your own instances version, but for other instances to see it it'll have to go through first and forwarded on. I think it's a bit murky when it comes to comment replies, though, I believe those do get propagated directly to the instance originating the comment (i.e. if a person comments and you reply, they get it sent directly), but you can see how disruptive it is.

How do you imagine them working if their home instance is down? You can only see the cache of old posts and your comments won't propagate outside your own instance. If LW is down, everything on LW is down effectively.

ActivityPub is an email inspired P2P-like protocol. Running communities over it is a hack.

sad Beehaw noises

Beehaw did themselves dirty when they decided to go on a random defederating spree.

I know what the justification given was, it just doesn't make sense. There are plenty of instances that are of the same size and won't defederated.

Yeah it would be really interesting if it was possible to have a merged community across several instances, like you sub to super community and it gets the information from one of the linked instances and when they're up they all keep synchronised.

If your instance went down you couldn't log on but if you could switch to another account on a different instance and access the same major communities - then when that instance comes back it catches up.