The FBI killed a Utah man who issued numerous death threats. Far-right figures are now claiming the Biden administration is coming to kill conservatives. to politics – 546 points –
The FBI killed a Utah man who issued numerous death threats. Far right figures are now claiming the Biden administration is coming to kill conservatives.


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getting your door kicked in by a gang of cops about to shoot you to death tends to wake a person up

what misinformation?

Here is the wiki on it. If your husband had a full conversation with his mother about noises coming from below and then calls 911 and then gets his gun, could you still be asleep at that point? She was, however, still in bed and the no knock shouldn't have been allowed.

could you still be asleep at that point?

do you have proof she wasn’t?

I don't know what you and that other guy are arguing about. I just laid out that it was noisy and her husband made two calls and got a gun. Whether or not she was still asleep could only be confirmed by the two people in the room. One is dead and one has legal and legitimate reasons why he might exaggerate a claim like that. Either way, it shouldn't matter on the argument that no knock raids should be banned.

not wanting to go to jail for murder is a legitimate reason to exaggerate a claim

Source: Courier Journal - Local Newspaper

Claim: Taylor was shot while she was asleep in bed

Various social media posts and media reports have said Louisville police gunned down Taylor as she was asleep in bed.

Commonwealth's Attorney Tom Wine played partial recordings of police interviews with Walker during a May 22, 2020, news conference in which Walker told police he and Taylor were watching a movie in bed — it was “watching them more than we were watching it,” he said — when they heard a loud bang at the door, scaring both of them.

Walker said he initially thought it might’ve been Taylor's former boyfriend, but there was no response when Taylor twice called out, “Who is it?”

Then, Walker, saying he was "scared to death," grabbed his legally owned handgun.

Claim: Taylor was shot while she was asleep in bed

I never claimed this

also, you link doesn’t prove this:

If your husband had a full conversation with his mother about noises coming from below and then calls 911 and then gets his gun, could you still be asleep at that point?

and it doesn’t prove she was awake at the time, ether. people doze off while watching movies.

and it doesn’t prove she was awake at the time, ether. people doze off while watching movies.

I provided a good source that directly refutes your claim, with a statement from the witness at the scene. You clearly don't care about the truth, and just want to "win."

with a statement from the witness at the scene

I didn’t see any statements supporting any of your claims or refuting mine

Bullshit. You are arguing in bad faith and you 100% know it.

just because you can’t prove your claims, you start hurling personal insults?

that’s on you, not me

It's not a "personal insult," it's my direct observation of what you are actively doing based on my perspective.

no, it’s just an personal attack because you can’t back up your claim

I made the claim you are arguing in bad faith because from my perspective that is exactly what you are doing.

I state your original claim is untrue, then you tell me your statement should be interpreted as she was asleep before police woke her up. Then I present solid evidence that she was watching a movie. Then you move the goalpost and claim my evidence isn't explicit enough for you. You also present no counter evidence. I then call you out on arguing in bad faith.

How else am I supposed to interpret what you are doing? From my perspective it seems obvious you are just trying to win an argument rather than get to the truth of the matter.

From my perspective, I am the person saying "We found these facts. care to respond?" and you are the person replying "Everything in the media is FAKE NEWS!"

you’re making personal attacks because you can’t prove your claim that:

I state your original claim is untrue

and that’s your problem, not mine. making up lies about what I’ve said is just taking things worse.

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“Breonna Taylor Was Asleep.” Yes, she was asleep the night/morning of the shooting. No, she was not asleep when she was shot.

She was gravely wronged, and what happened is entirely inexcusable. However, statements that confuse people on the facts of the situation do not help the cause.

Edit: It seems my memory was faulty, per Walker's statement, they were watching a movie in bed when police came to the door.

Source: Courier Journal - Local Newspaper

like he said:

getting your door kicked in by a gang of cops about to shoot you to death tends to wake a person up

Like I said:

She was gravely wronged, and what happened is entirely inexcusable. However, statements that confuse people on the facts of the situation do not help the cause.

statements that confuse people on the facts of the situation

where did I do this?

Well, for one thing it turns out Breonna Taylor wasn't even asleep.

Source: Courier Journal - Local Newspaper

getting your door kicked in by a gang of cops tends to wake you up

I'm referring to the witness statements given by Walker.

what statements of his say that she wasn’t sleeping?

I don't know. How about the one where he said they were watching a movie?

people fall asleep watching movies all the time, especially late at night which this was.

I don’t see any statement claiming she wasn’t sleeping, as you claim.

Look, it's not like we have a recording of their bedroom at the time of the incident. Do you have a source for your claim that she was asleep?

I’m not responsible for your lack of evidence. now you even admit you don’t have evidence to back up your claims, and you accuse ME of bad faith?


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[shit I don't mean]. However,

I didn't miss r/publicfreakout.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused as to what you are saying?

Simple. It's some of the worst behavior on reddit, on a garbage sub full of garbage people.

Basically someone who loves it when cops murder black people for them is like "It's totally an awful thing that this happened, but" and then launch into a defense of whatever racist piece of shit is the topic of discussion.

Too bad that shit can't stay on reddit where shit belongs.

What are you even talking about? Is that what you are assuming I am saying?

If so, what specifically did I say that led you to believe this?

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