Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’ to World – 863 points –
Two years under Taliban rule in Afghanistan: ‘I never thought the world would forget about us so quickly’

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No shit. The second we left they fell apart. No resistance.

As far as I'm concerned we should only help those that help themselves, like Ukraine is doing. Afghanistan has always been Taliban simps. Those women know where their men sleep and have knives ffs.

Yeah, we should only help white people right?

This is a great message for the world, we'll help you, as long as you're white

Bro, you went so far that you actually became racist yourself. You literally said: “Do help themselves” == “white” “Don’t help themselves” == “not white”

You are pushing the american stereotype for “lazy immigrants”

Thats kinda cringe tbh.

"Talking about the dynamics of racism is racist." I'll let MLK know.

Nah. Thats not racist. Stating that countries primarily populated by non-whites are somehow too weak or lazy to fight for themselves, however, is definitely pretty racist.

This particular country that we're actually discussing was indeed too lazy to fight for itself and gave up within 2 weeks after decades of being occupied.

EDIT: And that's if you don't consider this the wishes of the country itself. To a large extent, I think the Taliban have popular support within the country and I wouldn't be surprised if there were Taliban sympathizers or supporters within the ranks of the military.

Where did you see that? They were pointing out that the person they responded to made the very implication you're accusing them of making.

That user who suggested we 'help' is either malicious or ignorant. Because help doesn't mean we release the reserves of money we've stolen from the Afghans. It means invade them again, whether she means it or not.

The best thing we can do now is let the Afghans be sovereign and no longer interfere (which won't happen). You can expect nothing good socially from there, as the Americans helped the Taliban defeat local progressive and secular forces in the 70s. All we can hope for is for them to eventually stand up on their own two feet.

Anyone who whines about the plight of Afghan women is either doing propaganda or is misled. Afghan women have children too btw - children that are starving - have Biden release the reserves.

This is a much more nuanced approach that I can work with. I don't think that there's nothing we can do, but I can at least understand that perspective. We've done a shit ton of damage to the region over the last 50 years, and if the people had access to self determination, I'm sure that they'd prefer no US government intervention after the last 20 years. The new "insurgency" that was born out of more progressive elements of the old government have a chance to bring some positive peace if they win. The problem I had was the implication from others that the Afghan people are helpless and therefore not worth supporting.

That's cool. My peice had to said, because the rightwing types were benefitting from the silence or disagreement of people like myself who want no more intervention.

Sorry I must have missed that in the above posts. When did anyone mention race?

They hail from the instance of the sensitive and easily triggered


Man that place really is terrible. They claim to support safety and inclusivity, but appear perfectly happy to berate, attack, and bully others, as long as their opinions are the bad opinions.

I don't know if he edited it but he said nothing about race. It was about fighting back

What do you think the solution is? Indefinite US occupation? At that point wouldn't you want America to just take them over?

Has nothing to do with race. Ukraine didn't bend over for Russia instead fucking their shit up day 1. Their president didn't flee instead stayed and mocked the occupiers by showing off him and his crew were still in Kyiv.

Afghanistan? We trained them for twenty years to stand up for themselves as a independent democratic nation and threw it away the second we left. What a fucking waste. They didn't even have fucking OIL to take. Nor was Osama there, or ever was.

If Afghanistan actually gave a fuck and tried but failed my opinion would be quite different. I'd be all "remember our fallen Afghan allies" o7 n shit.

So yeah take your standard operation trolling elsewhere. I've seen this exact same talking point before it's not original, think for yourself for a goddamn change*

If you think that's the timeline of events for Afghan forces, then you don't know shit. We never trained them to use the equipment we spent trillions of dollars on. The manuals didn't even have an Arabic translation.

And somehow the person calling out racism is always dubbed the racist by those who refuse to acknowledge their own privilege, let alone their blatant bias. Fucking typical.

That's been the American motto since the country's independence. Huge debates about helping the french aristocracy at the start of the reign of terror, but not even a single response to the former slaves in Haiti after their revolution.

We didn’t like the Reign of Terror because it was the Reign. Of. Terror. Also bribery with the XYZ Affair turned us against the murderous revolutionaries.

We didn’t help the Haitians because of Southern Slavers were scared of that happening to them. If only it did…

Thank you for your nuanced view of history that takes continuity of causal events into account. Today I learned about the XYZ affair.

No problem, it even points out within the first few paragraphs about how the French wanted to seize our ships, adding more reason for American discontempt of the French Revolution. Kinda forgot about that bit.

I see you didn't like the earliest examples I could think of with the systemic racism in foreign affairs. How about the utter contempt from Kissinger towards PoC when he was Secretary of State? How's that African neoimperialism? Maybe you'd prefer talking about the "war" in the Philippines? Perhaps you'd like to hear about the absolute refusal for the last 120 years to make Puerto Rico a state? Maybe the US support of Nazi Germany up until 1941 is more to your liking? The genocides of Native Americans that continued into the 70s? The ongoing hypocritical genocide of latino people on our southern border? The oil wars? COINTELPRO tactics being used abroad? I have a lot of examples of racist foreign affairs from the US.