Guys I'm gonna start a pyramid scheme! Anyone want to help? to – 79 points –

Here's how it'll work:

  • You love one person or be kind to 2+ people
  • They do the same to other people
  • Repeat
  • Eventually the whole world will be in the hands of our savior. Kindness. We will all be richer and more powerful


  • You must be kind to at least 2 people
  • You must ensure they're also kind to the next people
  • No Nazis

Examples on how to be kind:

Who's with me!


Do people closer to the top of the pyramid get more kindness than those closer to the bottom? /s

Trickle down economics my friend. Hope you're having a great day <3

I appreciate your work moderating and growing a community <3

Actually, no. In this case, everyone is only loved by one person–whoever brought them in. All love the flows down from the top to the newest members.

The actually design flaw is that you aren't loved by the people you love, and you don't love the people who love you 💀

Then of course the person at the top (sorry OP) is loved by nobody, and then last members have nobody to love. But if the final members love OP, that would create a nice positive feedback loop, as it were.

You must ensure they’re also kind to the next people

What if the people I'm kind to aren't kind to the next people? How do I enforce that? Can I use violence?

Of course. As long as that violence is excessive kindness.

Isn't this just a linear scheme? To be a pyramid you need to be kind to two or more people....

Good point. I'll adjust the plan accordingly. Speak naught of my mistake and you can rise up the pyramid.

Make it a dodecahedron scheme and I'm in!

You're gonna have to call the aliens who built the first pyramid.

Haley Joel Osment did this back in 2000, and look where it got him!