Russia issues stark US statement as relations hit new low, declares US 'an enemy' state for first time to – 102 points –
Kremlin issues stark US statement as relations hit new low

I view this as an unlocked achievement .

"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."

Considering the sort of country Russia is, them calling you a friend is much more damning than then calling you an enemy

Not all Russians support the terrorists in the Kremlin, and many who do have been brainwashed.

I don't recall saying anything about all Russians supporting Putin.

In any case, Putin is more of a symptom than the cause of Russia's problems. They seem to be completely unable to produce systems of government that aren't psychopathic and incredibly brutal; this has been going on for centuries now, Putin is not some sort of one-off anomaly.

Whether the majority of the populace has been brainwashed or not is in some ways irrelevant. It's the same as with "western" conservatives: many of them have been brainwashed, but when they literally want to murder me for who I am it's inconsequential to me how they arrived at their ideology. Compare them to eg. the Nazis; many were brainwashed but feeling empathy towards your concentration camp guards wasn't going to get you out of the camp

seems they're a little upsetti spaghetti about US letting Ukraine launch attacks across the border with their weapons.

So does this mean we can charge people who collaborate with Putin with treason, or does it require us to be at war with the Russian Federation?

I feel like the South Park song, "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch" should be remade into "Putin is a Bitch".

Lots of statements coming from the Kremlin but very little actions.

Bad Dmitry! No lifted sanctions for you! Now you just go to your dark house and think about what you've done.