STEAL STEAL RULE to – 364 points –

But also, just because you walk out of Target or Wal-Mart with a bunch of stolen stuff, doesn't mean you got away with it. Your thefts are being tracked.

Idgaf about corporations. I don't want people to end up in jail, because that's no place for a person to be.

Source: atrocious English tabloid The Sun quoting unverified information from a Tiktoker who claims without proof to have worked for Target at some point.

Reliability: sub zero.

So basically I should steal until just before I hit felony level and then wait out the statue of limitations.

Got it.

This is literally a plan that Ricky from Trailer Park Boys would come up with

I heard a guy tried that once and on his last "trip" they called the cops on him and a manager smuggled a bottle of liqor in his backpack so he would hit the felony level.

What if this is a piece designed to dissuade you from stealing by making you believe they’re actually capable of tracking every little item?

Thanks for this. I had a feeling something was up since it almost feels like they let you steal.

What if this is a piece designed to dissuade you from stealing by making you believe they’re actually capable of tracking every little item?

your comment was duplicated, please delete duplicates

You’re replying to a comment that says “comment deleted.”

I’m way ahead of you. Go complain to someone that can do more about it.

Edit: god dammit it happened again.

You’re replying to a comment that says “comment deleted.”

I’m way ahead of you. Go complain to someone that can do more about it.

You’re replying to a comment that says “comment deleted.”

I’m way ahead of you. Go complain to someone that can do more about it.

What if this is a piece designed to dissuade you from stealing by making you believe they’re actually capable of tracking every little item?

What if this is a piece designed to dissuade you from stealing by making you believe they’re actually capable of tracking every little item?

What if this is a piece designed to dissuade you from stealing by making you believe they’re actually capable of tracking every little item?