Bailey Anne Kennedy is first trans Miss Maryland USA

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 189 points –
Bailey Anne Kennedy is first trans Miss Maryland USA

I look forward to the reasoned national discourse on this topic. I really hope she gets to enjoy her win.

I can't believe they let her compete in the women's pageant circuit, now dudes are going to claim they're women just to get an easy pageant win. This is a terrible day for America. /S

“She should be competing in the men’s pageant.”

This comment is so good. Touche, my friend.

This story has given my lovely feels this morning.

I mean 😳
(I sure hope this emoji translates well across platforms)

To be fair, we have an innate biologcal advantage in beauty pagents.

No amount of hormones can change this. Cis women have no chance.

I can't wait for asshole conservatives to talk about how she's a "fake" woman while ignoring the fact that beauty pageants are entirely about fakery.

They're already whining about how this is bad for women and how men are going to start dressing as women just to win these pageants... Which says a lot about their character and maybe the urges they're trying to bury.

Let it out guys, embrace drag, embrace transgenderism.

men are going to start dressing as women just to win these pageants

And so what? Isn't it about beauty? If a "man" is a beautiful enough woman to win a women's beauty pageant, then that sounds fair to me.

Are they suggesting men are inherently more beautiful than women like they claim that men are inherently better than women at sports?

Man, it warms the cockles of my heart that every time I see Maryland in the news they’re either on the right side of history or just kicking ass in general. I may be a Canadian but I grew up there and it will always be my home state. Congrats girl!

She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb- Huzza! she spurns the Northern scum! She breathes! she burns! she'll come! she'll come! Maryland! My Maryland!

As long as she watches where she comes; I just had these sheets drycleaned.