Are you a 10?

Like A to Programmer – 404 points –

I think this would be a better delivery:

😁 Your crush thinks you're a 10

😨 They know binary

I liked this one better. The repeating last sentence was enough to get it. :)

As long as it is 10 out of 10, I am fine with any base.

There's two kinds of people in the world: attractive, not attractive, and null because we forgot zero indexing.

Using only 2 binary digits:

0: 00

1: 01

2: 10

3: 11

So I'm a 2/3, but also including 0 thats like 75% attractive. That's a win in my book

If you are using only binary, then you are 10/11.

2/3? why? that's strangely arbitrary...

I did that because in coding, you start counting at zero, so 00=0, 01=1, 10=2, and 11=3. Therefore, if I'm a 10 out of 11, then I'd be a 2 out of 3. However, there are 4 options total, so saying 3/4, or 75% is more accurate.

Nah, it's 10/10 , you don't count from 0 to 99, you do from 0 to 10, so that still 100% in binary