'Battle plan': How the US far right would dismantle climate programs

silence7@slrpnk.net to Politics@beehaw.org – 52 points –
'Battle plan': How the far right would dismantle climate programs

I'd call the republicans a death cult, but the truth is that they probably believe that this will make them so much money that they can just pick a place on earth that will still be livable when the worst comes. They just don't give a single shit about anyone else.

I don't know how anyone in their right mind can justify voting for these misantrophic shitbags.

I'm beginning to think the majority of republicans in power are so selfish and spiteful that they resent the youth and future of younger generations and actually want to leave things worse. It's the end-stage nihilism of their unchecked greed.

The ship is sinking and these fools want to steer into the iceberg to grab a few more dollars. I hate everything, I am filled with existential dread, and I need a very strong drink.

It blows my mind that this kind of plan to undermine vital functions of the government, needed now more than ever, is not considered terrorism and/or treason and punished accordingly. We're facing an existential threat as a species, and their grand plan is to exacerbate it?


Be afraid, be very afraid.

Don't be afraid: fight hard. That means not just voting, but actively supporting candidates to opposed them with both time and money.

Where are we getting candidates that oppose this?

In the Democratic party. Even the ones who are taking money from the fossil fuels industry largely signed on to the Inflation Reduction Act, which is a major piece of climate legislation.

They'll just give ot away in the next debt ceiling "debate" so what's the point of electing dems? It is hardly sending a rebuke to congress to elect one of the two parties. I would rather vote for an actual leftist that loses and causes the dems to lose too than vote for a dem and barley win. We don't advance voting in dems that don't represent us, but just represent Republicans not winning. Cia would kill them, but such is life.

I would rather vote for an actual leftist that loses and causes the dems to lose too than vote for a dem and barley win.

A vote for a leftist with no chance to win is a vote for the conservatives. It sucks, but such is the nature of the two-party system.

Maybe if the dems never win the Republicans won't have anyone else to blame anymore and they would lose popularity and we could get over them I'm twenty years instead of them gaining steam. Maybe. But climate change is gonna wreck havoc before we try anything other than weak resistance.

Also funny enough my username is yours backwards. Lol

if the dems never win the Republicans won’t have anyone else to blame anymore

I think you severely underestimate their ability to find scapegoats.

So your solution to the Dems occasionally enabling the Reps' evil is to put the Reps in power so that they can enact their evil freely with no opposition at all? Sorry, but I'm not convinced by that logic.

You remind me of myself when I was younger. And I hope you are right.

It's not my job to hold Republicans to task. It's republican voters that do that. It's republican voters that you need to reach. And it is republican voters that you need to convince that this system isn't working. At least with a real leftist party all of the "the LEFT!" Discourse won't be about democrats anymore.

Oh also good luck holding democrats to anything after voting for them.

It’s not my job to hold Republicans to task. It’s republican voters that do that.

Oh also good luck holding democrats to anything after voting for them.

And you think Republicans are going to have any more success with their representatives? It is your job to hold Republicans to task, by voting someone else in. And there's only one other party that has any chance of success at that.

At least with a real leftist party all of the “the LEFT!” Discourse won’t be about democrats anymore.

It's already not really about them. The Dems do only a fraction of what the conservatives accuse them of. The whining about "the left" is going to be based on a persecution fetish fantasy completely divorced from reality regardless of whether the left in America is the Dems and/or some other party.

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They’ll just give ot away in the next debt ceiling “debate”

You mean like how they gave it away in the last one?

Oh wait, Biden played the Republicans like a harpsichord last time they pulled that crap.

Yeah, stuffing Congress full of actual leftists would be better, but let's not pretend these Democrats are completely incompetent.

Well, if getting defence spending up 3%, capping all non-defence discretion spending, requiring an end date to student loan repayment holds, and actually getting money to the IRS so they can do their job is all Biden "playing him like a harpsichord"... really don't want to see what him sucking up is like.

Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/05/29/whats-in-the-debt-ceiling-deal-struck-by-biden-and-mccarthy.html

getting defence spending up 3%

Somebody's gotta do it, and I don't see the rest of the civilized world chipping in.

capping all non-defence discretion spending

Yep, that's what tends to happen when Americans vote Republican. Protip: don't vote Republican.

requiring an end date to student loan repayment holds

A setback, nothing more. There have been headlines of further attempts to get student debt forgiven, and again, filling Congress with Democrats will get it done.

actually getting money to the IRS so they can do their job

Over the vigorous objections of Republican billionaires who desperately don't want to get caught evading taxes. That's a big deal.

really don’t want to see what him sucking up is like.

You already did see it, in 2017 through 2021. It, uh, was not good.

Two steps forward and two steps back until it's your kids turn to pick up the mantle.

They passed it. And managed to (so far) preserve it, and look likely to keep on doing so to the best of their ability with the possible exception of a handful who are bought off. I'll work to elect them because of that.

If that is all you require than I wish you the best.

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You get them on primaries. And before that, on local level.

What? Democrats had Bernie and he couldn't win a primary against someone with the worst record in congress.

Did you vote on primaries? Did all your friends vote on primaries? Did you participate in your local process of choosing delegates? Do you know how this process is happening in your constituency? If the answer on any of this questions is no, you should get more information about it, and while you will be doing that, you will discover your answer on how come Bernie lost primaries despite being so loved among people who don't vote.
Out of 240 million eligible voters, 19 million voted for Biden and 9.6 million voted for Sanders. Without changing that dynamics there is no changing anything else.

And if I answer yes to all of those questions and was in an early voting state that had Bernie doing much better than Biden? What then?

If 10 more millions or so people will do the same, you would have Bernie as a nominee. But they didn't, and you don't. That's a democracy. Now, in order to have it your way, you could for example continue your political activism, maybe even try to get elected somewhere.
What you can't do is to say "everything is rigged because the outcome is not what I wanted" and call it a day. That's not a democracy.

What are you even talking about? I don't have to do anything. And I don't at all understand why you told me that tge definition of democracy is in fact, not where, "what you can't do is to say, "everything is rigged because the outcome is not what I wanted" and call it a day." That is wild.

Everything is rigged, and I can't imagine anyone being crazy enough to say otherwise. I make okay money and would need to work for like ten thousand years to make what some others in our country make in a second. Are you telling me that a system where one person can be placed on such a pedestal could ever be a good thing?

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