What is PID 0?

learnbyexample@programming.dev to Linux@lemmy.ml – 110 points –

ITT: people giving wrong answers to a post linked to a blog that answers the question 'What is PID 0?'

For me it just gives an error post0 failed to load.

Edit: that's probably my lemmy client trying to approach this blog as though it were a lemmy instance πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

The tl;dr from the article (which is actually worth a read):

The very short version: Unix PIDs do start at 0! PID 0 just isn’t shown to userspace through traditional APIs. PID 0 starts the kernel, then retires to a quiet life of helping a bit with process scheduling and power management. Also the entire web is mostly wrong about PID 0, because of one sentence on Wikipedia from 16 years ago.

There is no PID 0. I guess I'll read the article.

Edit: This guy knows things

Mr. Anderson, Thank you for your analysis/work and well written treatise, on PID 0. I enjoyed learning more about Linux & Unix and a bit of history thereof as well.

The last time my community found a PID.0 in our midst, he was beaten downtown in broad daylight by over a dozen assailants, no witnesses.