Trump VP Hopeful Declares, ‘Under Joe Biden, We’re Actually Living Under a Dictatorship’ to politics – 157 points –
Trump VP Hopeful Declares, ‘Under Joe Biden, We’re Actually Living Under a Dictatorship’

I worry they are trying to normalize the idea of living under a dictatorship.

They do this literally all the time, not to normalize the idea, but to desensitize you to the accusation. That way, when they do something that is actually fascist, like calling up the Kansas National Guard under the Insurrection Act to go door-kicking in Chicago for illegal immigrants, your brain enters a thought-terminating state of "nothing-burger, both sides, etc."

Example, they liked to use the word "insurrection" a lot about anything Democrats did following J6.

I like burgers.

I like turtles!

Turtle burgers?

I think we're on to something here.
Let's get a theme park going

Dictator turtle burgers at Dictator Dave’s Discount Dives.

"Hey you! Get in line!".

I hear cash flowing


I’d like to move into the trailer park one day instead of living in the woods beside it.

My friend, you gotta try the beach. Woods are overrated.

Sand lice killed my first and third wives.

Im not a huge fan of the beach anymore.

That's rough, I'm sorry. Did they hit lice and subscribe? I've heard some people make that mistake on videos. It can be irritating, and deadly.

Always likensub

No, that's what they're doing. If you've ever heard it said of conservatives, "every accusation is a confession," this is a pretty prime example. It's a lot easier to convince people to do some gnarly shit if you can pretend that the same gnarly shit is already being done to them.

Like, running a successful grift isn't about convincing your mark that your dubious proposition is above board. They can pretty much always tell something shady is going on. To con someone successfully you convince them that, yes, something shady is going on, but that shady thing is actually working in their favor. You have to convince them that shadiness is the trick that's going to let them get one over on everyone else.

Nobody wants to live under a dictatorship. Literally nobody. But if you can trick them into believing they're already living in one, well then installing your own suddenly gets a lot easier. "Look, you're already getting grifted. But if you put us in power and let us run our grift, our grift is going to benefit you this time. We promise."

It won't, though. It never does.

It might finally give conservatives clear permission to go out and hurt the people they don't like, though. And that might be enough for a lot of them.

Freedom is slavery. War means peace. Ignorance is strength.

And Oceanians are double-assholes?
Am I doing this right or need a trip to the re-education camp?
My grades in newspeak were horrible.

If Biden were a dictator, you'd think his hands wouldn't be tied all the fucking time.

"We're in a dictatorship under Joe Biden!"

-Man who isn't in prison for opposing Joe Biden.

Oh, that's perfectly fine: as Trump stated before, once elected he would start a dictatorship from day one. So if Biden is doing the same (obv. not) then he (Trump) wouldn't bring anything new to the table, he would just copy ideas and now republicans can't even say it's a bad thing.

But I guess I expect too much from the average Trump voter, remembering whatever that senile felon said months/years ago.

People on the right are not looking for a logical thread at all. On the contrary, they are looking for ways to short-circuit critical thinking, so that what they want can be justified and that’s the end of it. They want to wall off logical paths, so they have absolutely no interest in what you’re pointing out.