Quad9 Blocks Pirate Site Globally After Sony Demanded €10,000 Fine * TorrentFreak

seasonone@opidea.xyz to Technology@lemmy.world – 66 points –

wow this is actually fucked.

a DNS resolver being court-ordered to block a website is way, way, way too far.

we are literally a step away from google chrome or firefox being ordered to disable websites.

this is a new low. i like quad9, and i want to continue using them. i respect them hugely for putting up the fight, and obviously when forced by the court to do something, they have no option but to comply.

but holy SHIT FUCK SONY and spez, of course.

Sony hasn't learned the lesson and needs to be hacked again

Why companies even go after DNS providers… a new A record will be up the same day.

And now I'm glad I've just gotten around to setting up unbound.

How's the speed of unbound? That's the only thing holding me back right now.

Good enough on my opnsense. Does caching, too. And blacklists.

Most important is peace of mind in regards to censorship.

Never heard of em. They must be good if Sony's trying so hard to block them

Side note, I leaned about Waze in a news report about cops complaining about it.

Time to change my DNS resolver

I won't change. They tried to fight this very hard but lost this battle. They will continue to fight this for years. They are up against powerful forces.

Yup, I suppose this too, we will see if this battle will change something or not for them, I hope not, till now was awesome.