New Zealand woman sues partner for not taking her to airport to Not The – 143 points –
New Zealand woman sues partner for not taking her to airport

After dating for six and a half years, that’s nuts!

I successfully sued my wife when she put too much salt in the soup which wasn't even real.

It was called the Salty Pseudo Soup Sufferer Suit in the news.

You’re the taste-tortured tart-tasting tort-placing court casing civil complainant plaintiff from the soup suit?

  1. oral contract
  2. If it was important, she should have prepared a back-up.

It’s already been dismissed by the tribunal. Hilarious that it got enough attention to be in the news.

I'd cut her a bit of slack.

She might have been dreaming of this for a long time, she thought that she could trust her boyfriend to do this simple and easy task, but one very important to her, and he fails to do it, and since they're in a relationship, one doesn't think of writing stuff down.

If it happened as reported, I agree with the ruling, but I wouldn't be so quick to ridicule her.

In the situation you're presenting, I would be empathetic to her loss of the money and experience. However, all of that empathy disappears when she tries to sue because of it. The ridicule is for suing.