Amazon Censored Blue Protocol's Western Release to – 19 points –

i can smell the neckbeard odor in that thread

That's very short-sighted. Does it make you think, "They're doing this in this game. Are they doing it in other madia?".

Right, because Amazon is doing this out of pure hearted desire to improve the product, and this license to modify or remove original authorial design (however crass you may find it) will in no way be used to negative effect.

If you ever complained about chinese releases of movies removing LGBT content, you should rethink if the smell is neckbeards or hypocrisy.

if you want rights and freedoms for persecuted peoples, you must accept the lolis

Is a new one for me. People don't hate the removal of lgbtq+ content in markets because omg its censorship, but because its an erasure of a persecuted minority and props up hated against that minority.

if you want rights and freedoms for persecuted peoples, you must accept the lolis

M8, the reality is that to like, more than half the population of the planet (since India, China, and most of the middle east share an aversion for LGBT people, and that's easily 4 billion people) displaying LGBT content is at least as crass as loli and boob physics is to you.

To them, us westerners are degenerates who enable mentally ill people, at best, or straight up irredeemably morally bankrupt sexual degenerates at worst.

The only argument that safeguards representation is that authorial intent is never to be tampered with for the sake of moral orthodoxy, full stop, end of story.

If the west, the supposed champions of liberal acceptance, start keep moralising away content we (or rather, americans) find uncomfortable there is literally no leg we can stand on when trying to tell others they must display things we champion that they find abhorrent.

People don’t hate the removal of lgbtq+ content in markets because omg its censorship, but because

That's because a lot of people are fucking idiots who don't understand their morals are based on hot air if they are not applied uniformly, which is unfortunately common.

To a person who opposes the existence or acceptance of LGBT people, erasure and reduction of acceptance are the point. It's like scolding a nazi for advocating gassing jews. You may as well be complimenting the guy.

Again we are back to if you want just actions for minorities, you must accept my lolis.

Morally grandstand all you want, it doesn't make your specific perspective any more universal, nor does it make your position any less asinine and hypocritical.

If you don't object to removal of LGBT content at the very least also on the basis of censorship, then the random chinese tyrant du jour has done nothing on that topic you can claim you haven't done yourself.

I don't like loli. I find it fucking weird and creepy, but I also would like to believe that my veing creeped out by something doesn't put me in a position of authority, because I lived through the 90s and remember what that looked like, when the right had control of the western cultural hegemony and shit fucking sucked.

Now, if you're just joining us having not had to deal with that, congratulations someone in your circles didn't raise you right. If you are my age, you're a fucking idiot if you don't see you're literally just acting the same way as the people we had to protect gaming from.

Is nitter some sort of twitter proxy? I can’t access it, can you post the canonical url?

Whoa. If there’s only 3 body/face types, removing one of them actually seems like a weird feature loss.

Like, I can only chuckle at the jiggle physics decisions, but curious what was so vile about that face.

I bet half my reddit karma that it was the loli body type.

Looks like you're correct, judging by the state of the Blue Protocol reddit currently.

anyone who thinks Amazon will ever be an ethical game publisher or ethical in general is delusional