Those with a side/second job in this economy, what is it that you do and how did you get into it? to – 44 points –

I live in a area that's prone to severe weather, so i'll run around and clean up peoples yards after a big storm. you'll be surprised at how much people will pay to have a couple of branches and sticks to clean up, After a good storm I could make about $500.

And to finish answering your question I did this so I could buy a new alternator for my car. It just kinda stuck with me and I like having a little extra cash in my pocket.

I do both freelance graphic design and historic window restoration on the side. I did them both before my current full time design job, and do them in my spare time. I'm lucky that my current job considers 32 hours full time, so I have Fridays to do side work.

I helped my father remove old sash, pulleys, weights etc from a house in PA. Old windows are really cool.

The trades. Trades are desperate for good help willing to learn. electricians, plumbers, carpenters, pool builders, HVAC... the trades are in need of good help. It usually pays better than average too.

Someone once told me to get into electrician roles you should start young. Sad bc I would totally love to leave IT for good & study to become an electrician, but apparently I’m “too old” to start 🤷🏼‍♀️

can i ask how old is considered too old for that? just something i was considering too

Yes asking for a friend.

It's hard to get an apprenticeship to become one in Australia after your mid twenties. I've heard it's because your pay has to be a fair bit higher than the kids just out of school, so they'd rather train a teenager.

Apprenticeships are damn near impossible to find in the US, period. Usually people go to trade schools.

That’s interesting! Yes, in the USA, I guess it’s early twenties to start an apprenticeship program.

You would recommend trades as a second/side job? Seems like it’d be a bit taxing physically and not flexible on scheduling – I could be wrong.

I admin for 0 Biden/Putler/Xi bux per month. I got into it by doing a little posting, until the admins asked me if I wanted to waste even more of my free time, which I foolishly did.

Not currently, but I did a few sides jobs in the last ten years.

I am a Linux systems administrator. Before I did full contract work, I did part time contract work (alongside my full time salary job) for a general contractor as a piecemeal basis. A job here, 20 hour support there. Some jobs I made $300, some $3000. It was sporadic and came in waves. I got this from a former contract job who recommended me when they folded.

I also did writing gigs. I optioned a few scripts and sold a few short stories. That's still ongoing, but I haven't sold anything for a few years.

Not "this economy" but 20 years ago, I was unemployed and took a part time job running a computer lab at night at a for profit college.

When I got a regular day job, I kept the lab job for extra money.

So I worked IT from 8 to 5, then the computer lab from 6 to 10, Mon-Thur. Normal job on Fri. Off Sat/Sun.