Arab League ceases labeling Hezbollah ‘terrorist organization’ to World – 72 points –
Arab League ceases labeling Hezbollah ‘terrorist organization’

That doesn't really make sense. This is a silly 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' thing and it has a very good chance of blowing back in their faces.

How is waffen-IDF not on the list?

Calling them the Waffen-IDF would imply that they are indeed fighting a war and not just kicking down and committing genocide. Allgemeine-IDF fits better.

Given they tacitly support them this is not shocking.

Anadolu Agency – Bias and Credibility

Overall, we rate Anadolu Agency Right Biased editorially and Mixed factually due to poor sourcing. Further, this is an agency controlled by the right-wing ruling party and has a very strong pro-government state bias.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: RIGHT Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: Turkey MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: LIMITED FREEDOM Media Type: News Agency Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY

Nobody cares about the credibility rating this isn't a speculation article. It's 100% factual.

Good. They're only terrorists to the genocidal Zionist regime and their Western funders.

Depends how you define terrorism, I guess. Bombing a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires would be terrorist to most, but I suppose a die-hard Jew hater would consider all Jewish people as complicit in Israel's occupation of Southern Lebanon.

Massacring 20,000 children in Gaza is terrorism, for example.

So do you stand by Hezbollah are not terrorists? Is it for the reason I gave or some other one?

There's a difference between terrorism and war, even if it's equally despicable. For example, the Nazis were too big to be called terrorists.

Whom does the IDF wage war against? Their own population. That's terrorism.

To whatever extent that terrorism and war are separate, it’s only a way for those in power to tell uninformed people which violence to support or who to hate. “We’re going to war to bring freedom” vs “Those terrorists are attacking the [colonial] government!”