Indian Man Consumes 39 Coins, 37 Magnets In Belief Of Zinc's Bodybuilding Benefits to – 116 points –
Indian Man Consumes 39 Coins, 37 Magnets In Belief Of Zinc's Bodybuilding Benefits - Health And Wellness

Guy must have gotten his health tips from US conservatives. I wonder how he feels about bleach.

Pretty lazy of the author to copy paste the output from an LLM without so much as hiding it.

I mean, LLM output is probably what gave the man false information. Maybe some reddit troll posted about the benefits of zinc years ago...

It didn't work because he forgot to swallow a cathode too.

But zinc's not ferromagnetic, right?

No, but magnets are, kind of by definition.

In the case of magnets, there’s also a risk of the objects attracting each other within the digestive system

Do not eat a magnet. Definitely do not eat two or more magnets, spaced a few hours apart.