Buying scissors from IKEA because you don't have scissors to open things with to Mildly – 398 points –

I’ve just had to return a printer and the company asked me to print out a returns label. 😳

This is due to a murder that happened at an IKEA a couple of years ago. The murderer used knives from the department store.

Well you'll need to buy another pair of scissors to open that pair. But then you'll need to buy another pair to open the pair you just bought. But then...

Just one more scissor bro. It'll fix the whole problem bro I promise.

I also imagine these scissors getting progressively smaller until you have to buy tweesers to handle the scissors you use to open the scissors you bought to open...

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I once bought a screwdriver that literally needed another screwdriver to open the packaging. 🤦‍♂️

What kind of packaging requires a screwdriver to open? Either I've never seen that before or I've been opening things wrong....

It was screwed into a hard plastic “case” thats only purpose seemed to be to have a hook so it could be hung on the store’s shelf.

There are some kids toys where they hold the toy in place in the cardboard packaging by having a screw go through a little plastic plate, through the cardboard and then into the toy. I always found these really wastefull and anoying to open.

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That's why you use a kitchen knife for everything 😂

LOL. thats when you put in a screwdriver and twist!

Put tip of one pair into the zip tie of the other pair and twist. Obviously open the second pair with the zip tie from the opened scissors.

It's usually at about this point that I resort to tearing at things with the teeth of an (unimportant) key. Sometimes works.

Buying scissors because you don't have scissors is infuriating?

They're strapped together at the handle. OP needs to cut the strap to use them...