big toilet doesnt want you to know to – 786 points –

Diapers are freedom!

peeing in the yard is where it's at

I got rid of moles by peeing in their tracks, appearently they hate human pee.

It makes sense. I don't like old pee, either... it's the worst thing about hobo camps.

Yeah buddy! 2s outside is real freedom!

so.... i lived at campsites for a while in the middle of nowhere, and it turns out that is just okay. Not really better or worse. Definitely better than some disgusting pit toilet, not just because of the giant stacks of waste that make them smell horrible, but really because of the horrific deodorant perfume they use.

There is a part in Trevor Noah’s autobiography- born a crime- which is about growing up in apartheid South Africa, where his dad has a restaurant that is special because it has the permits to serve all races: Black, white, “coloured” and “Chinese” aka “none of the above.” It was very unusual, most places were only for one race.

But the officials got tired of having an unsegregated restaurant so they decreed that even if a place had a permit serve all races together, the bathrooms still had to be segregated.

Not having space in the restaurant for eight separate restrooms, he closed up shop.

genmder was made up by ikea to sell more shark plushies

I found out about blahaj from….

Are they run by IKEA? We really have no way of knowing

I had no idea about blahaj the stuffed shark, and now I really want to buy one! So at the least, IKEA should be throwing them some loot. Or they should sell Blahaj on commission. 3 1/2 foot stuffed shark from Sweden or wetf? Hell yes! Count me in

I was "blahaj, that's an odd word, what does it mean?" and then "oh, a uh.... trans shark from Denmark or something. Okay..." and also, hell yeah

Good. Most places definitely need more fucking toilets.