Day 9 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots to – 146 points –

The game is Fallout New Vegas


Dude..get doctor bag first & fix your limb

This was a few minutes after I crippled all my limbs fighting the death claws in the quarry with a Grenade Launcher while doing the Great Khan quest line

Deathclaw in quarry that's the definition of horror, but it rewarding in the end bc you know there's FatMan launcher somewhere in quarry lake plus you can craft deathclaw gauntlet from looting corpse

Honestly I'd rather fighting bunch of raiders in Freeside or Primm or even fighting monsters from DEAD MONEY DLC rather than fighting a deathclaw in quarry, bc deathclaw can smell your fear from far away ╏⁠ ⁠”⁠ ⁠⊚⁠ ͟⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠⊚⁠ ⁠”⁠ ⁠╏

I’m sorry. There’s a WHAT in the quarry? I just went in after the Khan that was there and left…

Otherwise though, The alpha and mother deathclaw there are fucking terrifying. I would be sneaking around with Stealth Boys and they’d lock on and sprint at me full speed. I swear they’re faster then the normal ones

Last time i remembered the FatMan launcher located in middle of lake near deathclaw alpha nest
Quarry Junction

God. Now I feel like that trip was a waste after not grabbing that. I’ll have to head back and hope they didn’t all respawn. Because I spent so long taking them out with all those Grenades that Good Springs probably thinks the Boomers relocated over there

I wanted to love this game, the story was amazing. But playing this now, man... the graphics are so washed out and bland. I'm not asking for the best quality, but man, it really didn't age well visually.

With that said, if anyone has any graphical overhaul mods they know of that are good, please send them my way because I would love to actually play through the title.

This screen shot is great though, the shining jewel in the desert peaking over the rocks.

There was a guide I followed a guide a few years ago for a graphic overhaul that looked amazing. But I can’t find it now. My suggestion would be the nexus collections page and see which collections suit your taste