Is there a way where we can sign up to differnt instances and put them on one site or whatever so we can have more nich communities? to No Stupid – 15 points –

You can subscribe to communities on other instances. I'm confused what your asking.

OP is trying to combine small niche communities into one combined slightly less small community

Oh, yeah. I've been saying since I got here thats a good idea to impliment on a personal user basis. So that YOU see communities you combine into one bigger community, and anything you post could be posted on both (or more) at once.

Join any instance, subscribe to all the niche communities on other instances. The general form for linking a community on a remote instance is !community@lemmy.hostname

All instances should be federated. There’s no reason to need more than one account for basic use.

I'm using the Eternity app, ask instances appear on the same feed for me. I assumed that was how the website worked too.