Texas separates migrant families, detaining fathers on trespassing charges in latest border move

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 207 points –
Texas separates migrant families, detaining fathers on trespassing charges in latest border move

Texas state police officers separated migrant families along the border with Mexico by detaining fathers on trespassing charges and turning over mothers and children to federal officials, the state Department of Public Safety said Thursday.


The cruelty is the point. We have reached a tipping point in society where empathy is a determent to financial success. I think this may be yet another end result of capitalism. We are reaching a point where "enshitification" is touching every facet of society.

Or, and hear me out, Greg Abbott and Texas are shit.

They are, but it is bigger than that. They do this because the people who vote them love the deaths, they love the pain. And the people who these hateful people vote in do everything they can to rig the system for the hateful minority.

And yet insist on voting for who has the most “Christian” label even though Christianity explicitly talks about saving refugees and how their Savior was a refugee.

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When I hear about things like this it upsets me, because these people are in a situation that is so terrible that they would rather risk death than be in their current situation. It's insane all they want is a better life for their families, and they are willing to die for it, so their situation must be unimaginable.

Growing up I was in a small rural area, that was poor, and had an abusive family, the best option at the time was the military, and both me and my sister joined to get out of our situation. I only say this because I'm straight up expecting the US to run out of military applicants and decide that yes migrants can become citizens in exchange for obligatory military service, aka migrant draft?

Our country's military is dependent upon keeping people poor and desperate. And that is the reason that programs to lift people out of poverty and give women body autonomy are being rolled back. The economic imperialism of the USA is the root cause of the refugee "crisis" in the first place. If Jesus Himself came before Congress the ruling class would label him a communist and have him killed.

They did that to the Irish during the Civil War. "Sure, you can come here. If you're willing to die for the chance." And a huge number were.

Then the Irish lynched black people and suddenly became real Americans

Irish are so incredibly racist

And the cause is a few billionaires and corporations buying our government

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DOJ needs to bring a civil rights lawsuit and get an injunction to stop this immediately, among other things it's blatant sex discrimination by the state of Texas

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Travis Considine, spokesman for the Department of Public Safety, said in a statement that children have never been separated from their mothers, but “there have been instances in which DPS has arrested male migrants on state charges who were with their family when the alleged crime occurred.”

Greg Abbott’s office referred questions to Department of Public Safety officials, who did not respond to additional requests for comment, including how many families have been separated, when they began and where the detained men are being taken.

Texas’ latest move to secure the border without coordinating with the federal government drew widespread criticism from immigration advocates and some comparisons to Trump-era family separations, though they are markedly different.

Earlier this year, Texas lawmakers attempted to pass immigration laws, including creation of a state border police force and increases in penalties for trespassing.

Those attempts failed but the Republican-controlled Legislature allocated more than $5 billion in border security funding, and gave federal immigration officers power to make arrests under Texas laws.

More recently, Abbott installed a 1,000-foot (305-meter) line of wrecking ball-sized buoys in the Rio Grand e along the Eagle Pass region, which prompted the Justice Department to sue Texas over removing the floating barrier.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Joe Biden doesn't care because he's the one approving of this. Joe Biden has deported more immigrants than even Trump did

Yup. We hear nothing but how trump was super racist, but people say nothing about Biden. The double-standard is outrageous.

they're illegal aliens - not migrants.

entering the country outside of an approved border crossing = illegal. attempting to emigrate by illegally crossing the border into another country gets you locked up and deported back to your country of origin. non-citizens who illegally enter the country have no rights in the country they're illegally entering.

there are perfectly legal methods of obtaining a valid visa or other immigration documentation. if you choose to ignore that and illegally enter the country you're going to end up in a cage.

Bruh, try to understand this: The people who are facing dehydration, starvation, and heat stroke crossing the desert are not rich people. There are legal methods of immigrating to the US, if you have money. These are poor, desperate people. Even people who immigrate illegally with a little bit of money tend to favor flying in legally and letting their visa expire...not potentially dying while crossing the desert on the way.

Think about it, no matter how bad shit gets in the United States (whether R or D in charge), the only people who actually leave the US are people with means. Everyone else toughs it out, because they can't afford other options. Shit never gets bad enough here for poor people to get up and leave.

Where these people are coming from, their lives are literally so fucking bad, that it doesn't matter that they have no money to their name - they have to get out. They see no other options. Leaving and facing the US Border Patrol (or worse, Piss Baby Greg Abbotts personal army) is legitimately preferable to what they're leaving behind.

Let's treat them like human beings. Let's try showing some goddamned compassion.

For many of them, their whole family are literally marked for death because they come from countries like Honduras, which are run by criminal gangs. So risking all they risk to come for America? They aren't just coming for themselves, they're coming to save their entire family's lives. And we repay them by separating those families when they get here. It's shameful.

why cant they go south? several South American countries are doing pretty well. why do they need to flood our borders, and do it illegally?

Who's it hurting? The more people we educate and bring up, the more capable at all levels our country becomes.

We're a country of both laws and compassion, and we're all team human.

unwilling to answer the questions, eh? figures.

it's not America's job to save everyone. it's a waste of our tax dollars to be compassionate.

I come from a country that believes in second chances, taking care of your neighbors and paying it forward. That country's America.

If you don't like it, you can get out.

fortunately, a rapidly diminishing part of the country agrees with that nonsense

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sure, they could be but they arent.

You tried to make a blanket statement that they are all illegal when entering surreptitiously is a valid way of making an asylum claim.

there are perfectly legal methods of obtaining a valid visa or other immigration documentation.

Extremely difficult legal methods that rarely work out, especially if you're poor and not from Europe.

You might as well just say, "only rich people should be allowed to emigrate."

lies. one of my colleague's wife just got citizenship recently & they're from the middle east

Okay, what does that have to do with anything I said? Is she poor? I doubt it.

they're not rich - they've got 5 kids and they're not from Europe. I was just refuting your point because you're wrong. accept it

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