'It’s mayhem and craziness:’ Californians react to Newsom’s order to remove homeless encampments

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 82 points –
'It’s mayhem and craziness:’ Californians react to Newsom’s order to remove homeless encampments

While local governments are not forced to comply, Newsom said in a press conference on Thursday that he will withhold funding from cities and counties for not clearing encampments next year.

Fucking Eric Adams with a $1000 haircut 🤬

Nope, he provided them a ton of funding to fix the problem … and they didn’t. Kind of their fault

If by "fix the problem" you mean punish unhoused people for existing and/or just get them out of sight without doing anything about the underlying problems causing homelessness.

Chief amongst them the sky high housing costs no doubt caused by the profiteering of some of Newsom's billionaire donors and former colleagues in the real estate industry.

Nope I do not mean that. $24 billion in funding plus 4 billion in grants to local governments. All of this before they decided to start removing homeless people from the streets. Don’t tell them they haven’t tried to fix the root cause, they have, they just couldn’t manage to do it, and honestly I can’t blame them, rehabilitating homeless people is a tough job that money can’t do.

Don’t tell them they haven’t tried to fix the root cause, they have

Do you have a source of every local government in California trying to implement regulations that only the state and federal governments are empowered to enact? Other than your ass, I mean.

rehabilitating homeless people is a tough job that money can’t do.

Oh. You're one of those victim blaming "homelessness is because of drugs and mental illness" bigots. How disappointing.

Something needs to be done though. This a start but only half of a solution. The homeless do need to be taken off the streets and the massive roadside camps need to be demolished. It’s a legit health and safety hazard. Maybe make dedicated areas a little more off the beaten path and provide power and water and sewer services for them to set up in a more appropriate area in the woods.

Or maybe the problem should not be swept under the rug, and the root causes, meaning the housing market, the economy and mental health should be treated.

Note that many other places don't have a problem of homeless encampments this big. Wonder why.

And how would we do that? In places like SF we’ve spent billions trying to fix the problem … and nothing has been fixed. There are many options for help but the people on the streets choose not to seek for help, they made the decision to stay on the streets and this is the consequence.

Yeah, it's their fault, not the nonexistent public (mental) healthcare, not the insane inflation and housing prices, not any of that.

Maybe those billions should have been spent differently. How many houses did you build out of those billions for example?

This a start but only half of a solution

It's the second, worse half. Set up those services first. Destroying what little these people can scrape together only serves to push them further down.