Ukrainians chilling in their trenches listen to nearby Russians getting cluster bombed. to – 174 points –
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Hope the CIA has a plan to support the assination of putin cuz these bois arent gonna stop here. Give them hell

It won't end with Putin, this is a russian delusion of manifest destiny that russia will conquer the world.

Yep, I don't understand how people think this is just putin. There are so many russians who support this war and want to keep going after UA has been supposedly de-nazified. They're brainwashed idiots.

Ah, the sound of vatniks having an extremely bad day.

Cluster munitions are legitimately pretty terrifying. Ukraine's going to have a hell of a time with UXO once this war is over

That sounds way worse than I imagined. All the videos seem to be from drones with no sound which is scary enough, but the added threat of the relentless sound is just... Wow.

Yea, that's a holy fucking shit, like nothing is surviving that on slaught of just hell raining on them. At least it means less dead UA forces...which sounds good to me.