Coma patients are spying on us.

Sentient to Lemmy – 181 points –

They should mind their own business and stop pretending to be asleep.


Man... Locked-in syndrome scares the shit out of me...

Yeah it sounds like being buried alive.

At least with that you will die in a few hours/days. With this you might be imprisoned in a hospital bed for years

Wouldn't it be obvious if you were conscious though? Your heart rate would be through the roof. I'm not a doctor but I'm assuming coma patients don't normally display massive increases in blood pressure and heart rate? Maybe they do. Idk.

what's that?

It is a condition where you are completely paralized and you can only observe things as they happen. No control of almost any muscles so no way to communicate with the outside world.

I just installed a few coma patients around the house. If there's privacy concerns should I uninstall them?

Just unplug them until you need them. Make sure they're not connected to the internet.

This headline almost gives me hope that eventually someone could finally get through to all those poor MAGA.

Maybe some day medical science will accomplish that miracle...

nvidia building the unresponsive brain damaged patient supercomputer: