You know, it's a movie for kids to Lemmy – 171 points –

The first time I saw that it did kinda freak me out

There was honestly a lot in this movie that gave me nightmares as a kid. The giant spiders, lion hiding in the bedroom, big game hunter coming for me, giant mosquitoes, monkeys, poison plants..... yyyyyyeah.

If the board game were real, I’d bet it’d make rounds at eccentric 1% thrill-seeker game nights.

Would have to come dressed fully prepared and play somewhere out in a desert bunker made to withstand the freaky shit. Little pods for the players so they can see the animals from relative safety. But I could see it being their kinda fun.

Zathura on the other hand sounds like a death-sentence 99% of the time… Ain’t no bunker withstanding a black hole

My kid saw this at 5 with no issues. Kids are quite comfortable with some amount of scary stuff if they trust there'll be a good ending.