Stranded astronauts plan to vote in the 2024 election from space to – 184 points –
Stranded astronauts plan to vote in the 2024 election from space

Right, first it's astronouts- next it'll be all the illiegal aliens voting!!!!

They better be ready to prove their citizenship from space!


I don’t even think they are from Earth!

This made me think of that xkcd with the "hot singles in your area of lower east earth orbit" comic.

They have to be having zero gravity sex right?

It'd be kind of hard considering there isn't a ton of privacy on the ISS. Unless they're all having giant orgies

Oh no, the only computer that is working right now is the one that keeps us alive.

Our heart rates increased because we were terrified for like, 7 minutes. Ok, 2 minutes, I’m sorry! Fine! 30 seconds. We’ve been stuck up here for so long. It isn’t my fault. You can secretly get yours, mines leaves evidence!

I wonder how zero G affects boners.

I believe it would improve them. Lower blood pressure improves erection quality.

Despite the increase in cardiac output and stroke volume, blood pressure is decreased by 5–12 mm Hg during this type of weightlessness, suggesting, that there must be an immediate decrease in peripheral vascular resistance due to arteriolar vasodilation.

How could they run a space station without a lifeboat (Spare re-entry capsule)? This is a major oversight and should be corrected. Or are they waiting for the Titanic moment first?

I mean, even if they did, this isn't an emergency since they're not in any danger. The station is still working fine, they have plenty of supplies, etc.

They've said, in an emergency, they could get everyone into the other crafts.

The usual plan now is just to hop in whatever you came in and evac to earth. Right now the plan for the Boeing dou would be to ride back in the currently docked dragon. I think they'd have to ride down on the cargo pallet though so it wouldn't exactly be a comfortable ride. They'll have their own dragon seats once crew 9 launches later this month.

Basically they don't have enough docking port to keep two crafts for every flight docked to the ISS at all times so they just plan on if there needs to be an evac that the ones the rode up on being fine.