Happy 25th Anniversary, Sega Dreamcast!

VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to RetroGaming@lemmy.world – 245 points –

Wildly ahead of its time, deserved so much better. The memory stick being like a tamagotchi, that's an amazing idea. I could never figure out how to make it work but raising the Chao from Sonic Adventure, so much unrealised potential.

There was a prototype VMU MP3 player in the works before the Dreamcast was discontinued, alongside a music store.

Sega also produced a digital camera for the Dreamcast, the DreamEye.

The tech world could have looked very different if the Dreamcast went differently for Sega.

Good lord i forgot about those controllers. They look so awkward. More ergonomic than steckdeck or a switch though.

They're molded to the hands really well but the analogue stick is entirely plastic and digs into your thumb really easily!

As does the d-pad! I remember having blisters on my left thumb from playing project justice 2 for hours

They are more comfortable than they look. The lack of a second analogue stick is a big limitation though.

This controller is probably the daddy of the original Xbox controller, and the GameCube controller (N64 is the mother there).

It was probably more comfortable than the Xbox one, and looked cooler than the GC one, but the GC controller wins in comfort.

I always hated the GC controller.

It's weird, but it makes sense when you're used to it. Z can be a bit awkward, though. Having the face buttons all be different shapes is a great plus imo.

Yeah too small for my tastes. And I wasn't a fan of the button layout and very small c-stick.

But then again, I actually liked the Duke.

What's everyone's best Dreamcast memory?

Spending hours online either on Phantasy Star Online or in the Dreamarena chat rooms.

Getting Shenmue and Shenmue II on launch days was a special time.

Project Justice 2 and power stone! Still two of the best fighting games imo

Purchased it on a Sunday & stayed up all night. Missed school on Monday & kept playing 😅😂

Playing pso with my homies every night. I remember having to dig up free dial up ISPs every week so we could all connect. Really wish it came with Ethernet support out of the box.

But man we'd play so much pso. The game seemed so much bigger back then. Looking at it now, there wasn't really that much content there.

Playing some Jet Set Radio today in her honour

Currently playing Grandia 2 again. It’s like time travel.

25 years already?! It doesn’t seem that long ago. I might see if I can dig mine out - Jet Set Radio or Sonic…

An amazing controller. I had not the chance to play it at the time, but the first impressions of the controller 10 years ago was incredible. I bought a Dreamcast shortly after :). I just ordered a GDEmu yesterday, can’t wait to get it :D.

First console I downloaded dlc on (Skies of Arcadia) First game I uploaded my own content for (Jet Grind Radio) First console I emulated games on (Genesis and NES) First console I downloaded and burnt discs of full games (too many)

And I raised some really nice Chao (SA2)

What a great console.

The sound of the dreamcast is what gets me, computers used to be so loud.

I don't know why the drive was so loud. Neither the PlayStation's or Saturns drives were that loud.

Good point. I wonder if the DC drive runs at a higher speed. I also feel a lot of air coming out so the fans may add to the noise.

I remember playing NBA something on the Dreamcast kiosk at Best Buy. I remember thinking how advanced the technology was but how goofy the controller was

I got this at a weird time in my life when I was going from teen to adult. It was the first console I had where I had a bunch of games that worked for money to buy myself and also did not have enough time to finish and completely flip.

Same, me too! I had my first job at that time and was buying up a ton of games because they were so heavily discounted.

This is perfect! I just downloaded a bunch of Dreamcast games to play. Both Sonic Adventures, Crazy Taxis, and Bass Fishings. Jet (Grind) Set Radio and Seaman (what a weird but fascinating game). For my partner and I, Gauntlet Legends, Dynamite Cop, Zombies Revenge, and maybe some more

I grabbed the PowerStone collection on PSP for the smaller file size, and I don't think my partner will want to play it. I'll show them, and download the Dreamcast copies if necessary