Two Major Anime Leakers to Be Exposed Following First-Time U.S. Court Order to – 2 points –

The order to disclose their identities was issued on Aug. 20 and served on Aug. 30

Served to who?

meaning that these Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer leakers will be forced to out themselves, lest they face further legal troubles. ... "We will continue to work with the rights holders of the victims to take strict action based on the information of the account owners that comes to light, and will demand severe punishment for these leak accounts," it concludes.

Pwetty pwease teww us who you are so we can punish you? Yeah fuck off with that shit. I'm considering downloading and then deleting both shows unwatched out of pure spite.

If you download a file in a forest and no one is around to hear it get deleted, did it ever get downloaded at all?

Lol this sounds like toothless bullshit. Are they confident that these people live in the US? Do they even know if these two twitter accounts are run by single individuals?

Not me thinking Anime Leaker is some kidna new kink I hadn't heard about.

Here's your unasked-for reminder that shitting dick nipples is a thing.

Did someone shit out nipples shaped like dicks? Or, did someone shit out of their dick-shaped nipples? Or some other abomination that I can't think of right now?

It's women of anime proportions with dicks for nipples which spray streams of shit. It was meant to be a joke but as all things it was made real and is likely someones genuine fetish.