JD Vance Would've Done For Trump What Mike Pence Refused To Do

realcaseyrollins@thelemmy.club to politics @lemmy.world – 246 points –
JD Vance Would've Done For Trump What Mike Pence Refused To Do

There are 75 election certifiers loyal to trump in swing states, 22 of which have previously changes related to the previous fake electors scheme.

He's hoping they'll case enough doubt on the election that it will invalidate it or provide an excuse for further actions.

Yep, Trump's got several paths to stealing a dictatorship:

  1. States refuse to certify, leading to lawsuits and eventually the subverted SCOTUS handing Trump their EC votes regardless of what the actual popular vote counts were. (Bush v. Gore 2.0)
  2. The traitorous Trump certifiers sow enough doubt that violence breaks out. (Jan 6 2.0)
  3. States refuse to certify, leading to results being thrown out entirely, neither candidate getting to 270 EC votes, and the election being decided by a "one state, one vote" poll in the House (which Trump would be sure to win because of all the low-population red states).

The traitorous Trump certifiers sow enough doubt that violence breaks out and Vance refuses to certify. (Jan 6 2.0)

Kamala Harris will still be VP when the votes are counted this January 6. Yes, she will be certifying her own election, win or lose. It's a quirk that happens when a sitting VP runs for President. Ask Al Gore about it.

We know. Not certifying the 2020 election was a requirement to anyone applying for the job of Trump's running mate. Anyone that was added to the list meant that they were signing an oath to Trump rather than the constitution.

No shit, Huff. You think maybe that's why he was picked? Nah, gotta be because of how well liked he is.

Pence wanted to be VP for personal gain, putting up with Weird 34 in the hopes that Pence himself would be Prez someday. Pence probably thought Sleepy DonOLD might choke on a hamburder, get removed from office by the Senate after an impeachment or two, or at the very least grit his teeth and hope for his own shot after Dementia Dork went into the sunset. Pence just wanted to be POTUS, not start an autocracy.

Just Don't Vance, on the other hand, is on a whole other level of weird submissiveness to Putin's Puppet.

Even if they do win in Nov, the Prez is still term limited and can't run again. So Vance will never be in the same position as Pence. I suspect this is just empty posturing to play to a certain crowd, knowing that he (Vance) would never get called on it...

Edit: Though he might do it for, say, his own Presidential run in 2028. But that's not quite the same thing - Pence wasn't being asked to make himself President four years ago.

I agree but what the heck is your username and instance domain dawg? Out here lookin' like a generated 25 character password lol

P.S. to the mods I ain't tryna be mean or troll or anything, just pointing out that the username and instance domain looks pretty weird.

No worries. I host my own instance basically for free, and - the funky (but free) instance name is the price I have to pay for that. I figured that my username should probably match as well, so...

It kinda reads like MLK you serve us, I like it lol

Not in the racist way! Like he worked on our behalf to help us lol

Haha I gotchu. What service do you use? I didn't know there was a free instance hosting service.

"Fuck that couch, Mike..."

[Years later]

"Okay JD... You know why you're here. There's a couch here, so you just do... Whatever makes sense."