Big Gboard 13.3 update preps stylus handwriting, mini voice typing UI, gen AI stickers, more to – 77 points –
Big Gboard 13.3 update preps stylus handwriting, mini voice typing UI, gen AI stickers, more

How do you go an entire article about styluses on Android tablets and mention Apple but not mention Samsung? Like even once?

Big feature I want is remote keyboarding, so I can open the keyboard on my watch and say "actually I'd like to type this from literally anything else because that's a 1 inch screen".

To bad it still autocorrects the word 'that' to 'Tuesday' for me and has for years. Ugh.

The reason I switched from Gboard was because it autocorrected a capital "I" to a small "i"

Strange! Mine doesn't do this.

The moment they copy some of the more useful Swype UX features, I'm jumping to gboard.