Trump: 'If I did' talk to Putin, 'it's a smart thing' to politics – 139 points –
Trump: 'If I did' talk to Putin, 'it's a smart thing'

Like your business fraud and tax evasion are “just smart business”, Diaper Donnie?

successfully conning people might mean the victims are stupid, but it in no way whatsoever means that the con man is smart

If ever there was proof of that, Trump is certainly it. He's an absolute moron yet somehow still a highly successful conman, at least going by the metric of morons that believe him if not by actual money conned out of people (although he seems to have been depressingly successful at that as well). If there's a silver lining in all this it's that Trump is so stupid and incredibly bad at business that he seems to burn through money as fast as he cons it out of people.

pretty sure his lifelong motto is "why spend your own money when you can get some rube to spend theirs"

it is mind-boggling, how many decades he's gone notoriously skipping out on his bills and people still deal with him

Yes, I call this the dum-dums vote for dum-dums hypothesis.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

Trump will talk to Putin, but not 60 Minutes

after this bloomberg disaster, i wouldn't be surprised if he flakes out of every upcoming interview that isn't with one of his own fluffers

I posted this just after the debate last month:

Calling it now:

Since there’s not enough time left for him to recover from this brutal ego bruise, I predict he’ll only do rallies from now on, or appearances on far-right media, because he’ll retreat to his snowglobe for reassurance for a while. He’ll avoid addressing Kamala directly, but he’ll ramp up his own network and rile up his mob. His team will struggle to rein him in, and some appearances might be cancelled.

I’m not a prophet – he’s just that predictable.

This just in: Donald Trump abruptly canceled an interview on his economic plans with business channel CNBC, the Daily Beast reports.

A Nacarsist’s prayer

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did...

You deserved it.

Narcissist appeal to authority fallacy.

"I did it, so it must be smart"

So he put himself in the position of "I'm not smart" or "I talked to Putin"? Imagine putting yourself in checkmate like that