Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach to politics – 338 points –
Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach - WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale


If this is true, it should be a scandal to rival Watergate.

Just this one small part of the massive nationwide conspiracy of sedition is already much worse than Watergate.

We blew past Watergate a long time ago friend.

While I agree, the rest of his party doesn’t. When the Watergate scandal was at its peak, Nixon was radioactive. Even his own party didn’t want to be seen with him. And as things currently stand, he’s still very popular with conservatives.

And that's why Roger Ailes created Fox News. So it wouldn't happen like that again.

Were you there for it? I was not.

My sense is that Watergate was so scandalous is because the whole thing was the picture of crimes. Everyone could visualize a burglary.

Trump commits crimes out in the open, on television and on Twitter. That's not the picture of crimes or coverups.

Finally, between stealing and showing off classified nuclear secrets, and the fraud in Georgia, the crimes are more picturesque.

I understand the trial will be televised. I expect Republicans and Trump's lawyers to try and make it as confusing and tedious as possible, to obscure the picture of Trump's crimes.

Nixon all but wore a black hat and a a cartoon bandit mask on. They snuck in at night and got caught in the act, the accomplices lied, they destroyed evidence. Easy to see the criminality when everyone acts exactly like we expect criminals to act.

Nowadays, if Trump's goons broke into a Democratic party office, they'd be like "yeah we're the Republicans and we busted in here to ratfuck the Dems," I wonder the odds of whether the officer responding to the suspicious activity call from Forest Gump even make a report, let alone arrest them and hold them overnight for a bail hearing? As we've seen, the right cop might even open the door for Trump's mob.

The Watergate burglars lied about what they were doing, had questionable identification, and came off right away as criminals.

The RICO law in Georgia is going to destroy Trump and his team. They only have to show two instances to establish a pattern in Georgia, unlike the more stringent requirements at the federal level. They have way more than two instances. I don't think Trump and his crew are prepared for how big this case is going to be. I'm not even sure the news orgs are, and that's even with the federal indictments already out there that he's also going to lose.

If he doesn't get elected he can't pardon himself, so that just means he's going to double down on the crazy this time.

If he was smart he would double down up until he lost the election because that is the big bluff, and when he loses he should shut up and let his lawyers try to fix stuff.

But he's not smart and this is going to be spectacular to watch.

He couldn't pardon himself out this one either way.

Trump, Graham, Giuliani, Powell, and the head of the Georgia Republican party are all likely going to catch charges.

Why the fuck would anyone want this guy to be king?

He will still walk because of how fucking corrupt everything is in this dang country.

A just society would say "This person willingly tried to overthrow the result of fair elections and tried to discredit the outcome of them, he's not a functional member of society and he's a danger to democracy".

A unjust society would say " MAGA, RIGGED ELECTIONS". Unfortunately we live in the latter