F-16s for Ukraine baby!

Ilovethebomb@lemmy.world to NonCredibleDefense@lemmy.world – 149 points –
Ukraine war: US allows transfer of Danish and Dutch F-16 war planes to Kyiv

Hell yes.


I know the A-10 is obsolete but why not let the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt Horn of Warthog sound one last time. Let it do what it was bred to do at least once.

It wouldn’t survive long enough, unfortunately. Look at all the coverage of manpads and drones, so many anti-aircraft and anti-misfile systems. It really drives home the point that close in air support with a manned aircraft has become suicidal, even in an A-10.

I always wondered how an F-35 could replace the A-10 for ground support. Clearly it can’t but I believe the goal is precision attacks while staying at a safer distance.

Look at how Russia is using their Air Force. In general, staying out of range while shooting “precision” weapons.

F-16 has some really amazing capabilities but I hope they don’t try to use them for close support. Ukraine needs F-16s to bring the fight to the Russian Air Force. It’s no longer ok for them to fly 50 miles offshore to shoot missiles from any direction

I assume the hesitation was because Ukraine is obviously also interested in stopping Russian Air Force from shooting missiles 100 miles behind the lines … over or near Russian territory

As much as I love the Warthog, it's very slow & would be a sitting duck for MANPADs, s-300s & s-400s.

On the other hand, the F-16 was designed for SEAD.

Me watching 50 year old American planes BTFO "Modern" Russian flying equipment:


"Modern" Ruzzian Air Defense systems are what the F-16 are going to reduce to their constituent particles first.

Nothing beats them for SEAD.

So... never?

Oh yeah bro, RUSSIA STRONK bro, Russia is about to win bro, one fell swoop bro, ignore the 40 mile long traffic jam on the goof to Kiev bro, no, Wagner rebelling axshully makes Russia stronger bro, Russians in Kiev by Xmas bro, it's not a war tho bro, just deNazificating a Jew, bro, two more days till Kiev bro, invading another country totally isn't imperialism bro, remember Soviet strong Russia bro? West bad bro, we hate the west so we good bro, invasion and kidnapping children is actually good and totally not Fascist bro

Millions of more dollars in war profits for the rich white capitalist baby!

Hey how's your 3day special military operation going? Kyiv should fall any day now...

Talk to your inbred general Milley about that, he started all this 72 hour (not 3 day) nonsense.

So you're saying the invasion taking this long is all according to plan?

Sure thing, buddy

Oh no, the ammo we'd have to shoot downrange or dunp because it's gonna expire is now being used to blow up the museum pieces Russia has to field for their blantantly imperialistic war, America loses again IG /s

Great return on investment if you ask me. That shit would just be rotting in a warehouse somewhere. It's money we already spent so might as well use it. Now it gets to do what it was designed to do: riggity wreck russians.