Rule to – 564 points –

Maybe reposted,maybe not. Apologies if it's the case !


Wait, you’re telling me the Greatest Generation had evil, Luciferian, sexual deviant drag shows? In their militaries?

But mah masculine as fuck grandfather would NEVER….

/s if anyone needed it

Y'all are making jokes but I'm thinking how good that airflow must feel.

For real, I feel bad for men in the parts of the (western) world where skirts/dresses for men are not widely socially accepted. Anatomically speaking, it would make more sense for men to wear skirts, and women pants, I think.

Apart from that, I wish everyone could just wear whatever the hell they want, it’s just a piece of fabric. It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

I would wear the white Arab robe, thoub, in Arizona's 110° F heat without even a shred of remorse. Maybe climate change could also bring back Greek togas.

Look man, I'm just saying that between the two common genital configurations, one of them is more prone to moisture than the other.

Skirts are dope.

good nazis are the dead ones

This ought to be fake. Too good to be true

This Snopes article says it's real, citing this Telegraph article (archived version) that features another photo of the same troops. What's weird is that the articles tell slightly different stories. The Snopes article says the original photograph's caption describes it as a Christmas charity performance, while the Telegraph article says they were doing a drag show to entertain themselves. Still, the photos seem to be real.

edit: not even a minute late, but still late :c

Drag is a Christmas event for some reason in the UK (pantomime). It's not even that modern either, it's been done for hundreds of years. It could be that both statements were true; a charity event that was also entertainment.

We should bring this back. If those troglodytes come to harass innocent people, pre posted snipers will simply take them out.

Armed minorities are harder to oppress

All I want to know is which two afterwards had to lipsync for their life!?!