India : Christians Attacked and Bible Torn in Church Attack in Delhi During Sunday Service to World – 101 points –
Christians Attacked and Bible Torn in Church Attack in Delhi During Sunday Service

A 100-strong mob surrounded the police station in Delhi’s GTB Nagar for several hours and raised provocative slogans as the pastor and injured persons reached to file their complaint.


Delhi is India's national capital and its security and police report directly to the Union home ministry headed by Hindu supremacist BJP's Amit Shah, who is 2nd only to Modi.

Previously these armed and violent Hindu suprmacist mobs used to target Muslims during their Friday prayers, now they've expanded to target Christians.

That's awful for those people. Sadly, many Christians in the US use stories like this to boost their own persecution complex so that they can justify (to themselves) their own persecution of other people.

Those who care about Christians/ Muslims being persecuted in India use their skills and resources to call it out and try to stop it. They lobby for sanctions against the persecuting state. There are those who put their lives and the lives of their famiies and friends in India at risk by calling out these hate crimes perpetrated by the Hindu supremacist Modi govt.

Yet, we've also seen Modi being welcomed and dined in the White house,, welcomed and feted and honored with the Grand Croix de Legion de l'Honneur by French President 'Macron, welcomed and honured with state awards in Islamic countries. The govt.s of all these countries are all aware of what has been happening in India since 2014, but they don't give a damn.

Religion causes brain damage.

Hindu supremacism isn't religion, it's religious extremism.

Which is part and parcel with any organized religion that has majority status in the location in question.

The poor oppressed Christians... /s

In western countries that's a fair viewpoint, but in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc christians are oppressed & victimised quite regularly, being in the minority and surrounded by devotees of 'rival' religions..

In India, most Christians belong to the oppressed castes whose ancestors converted to Christianity to escape Hindu oppession and to get an education that had been denied to their caste.

Even though, they've been Christians for generations, Hindu supremacists hate them because their ancestors & they escaped religious and caste oppression. hindu supremacists derisively call them "rice bags" because of a myth that they changed their religion for a bag of rice. my q to this "How shitty their old religion must've been to them, if they willing accepted a new religion for a bag of rice in rice-growing India?".

Are you in favour of religious persecution?

No, Christians have a long history of religious persecution. Or maybe you don't remember what the church was like in the 14-1600s. I am in favour of revenge against such a horrible religion, who committed the crusades, the inquisition, the banning of science, and nowadays tries its best to ban women and LGBT+ people's rights.

All those 500 year old Christians in India finally getting what they deserve.

Yeah, so are the 1,000 year old Mughal emperors.

Its ok to dislike or even detest a religion and its heads, but to cheer for religious persecution is beyond the pale.

And that justifies their religious persecution in 2023?

There''s an ethnic & communal genocide going on in Manipur, India, for the past 110 days by Meitei Hindu supremacists with the active participation of the Hndu supremacist state. In this violence Kukis who are mostly Christians have been raped, tortured, killed, their limbs hacked, burnt alive, rendered homeless, their homes & churches have been burnt. A severely injured 7 year old child was burnt alive in the ambulance along with his mother and his aunt.

Christians in various parts of India have faced and continue to face horrifying brutality by Hindu supremacists. here's one such incident\_Kandhamal\_violence

Graham Staines, a pastor along with his two sons, Philip (aged 10) and Timothy (aged 6), were burnt alive in the vehicle they were sleeping in by Hindu supremacists.

In less violent incidents, Hindu supremacists have sttopped them fommeeting, from parying together, torn their Bibles, baten them up, lost them their jobs, made false allegations and police complaints on them.

Yesterday, a Hindu supremacist mob attacked a church, wounded the people, tore up their Bibles, and then harassed them when they were inside the police station.

And here you are cheering their persecution, because they're somehow answerable for events that happened before their birth, which they had no hand in?

I'm not OP, but why do you keep calling these people "Hindu" supremacists? They are just extremists and terrorists, not Hindus at all.

One of the core beliefs in Hinduism is ahimsa, ie, non-violence. Practicing ahimsa is extremely important for a Hindu, in order to achieve their ultimate goal of moksha (escape from the cycle of reincarnation) by accumulating good karma.

Anyone who doesn't practice ahmisa isn't qualified to be called a Hindu. Since they're not a Hindu, it's wrong to call them "Hindu supremacists", when there is no "Hindu" in them.

Why did you delete youre previous comment that I answered and re-create the same here? Is sealioning also a core belief for you or is it a path to moksha?

Anyways, here's my answer. it's the same asit was before. This isn't for you, its for the benefit of anyone who comes across your q and wants an answer.

They call themselves Hindu and they follow Hindutva, the Hindu supremacist ideology. They say their cause is to create a Hindu rashtra (a Hindu nation). Their entire personality is built around the symbols & rituals & gods of Hinduism. If Hindus don't want their religion to be tarnished by association with these extremists and terrorists, then they should so something concrete to stop Hindu supremacists from calling themselves Hindu.

When they stop calling themselves Hindu, I'll also stop calling them Hindu supremacists.

So in your view a person, identifying as Hindu, who feels that their religious duty is to spread love and understanding instead of hate and division has no chance, right? They are accountable for this pogroms and there’s no way out of that because you have already made your mind up that Hinduism is a brutally inhuman ideology.

Are you aware that that’s true for every religion?

How would you refer to a Hindu (or a Christian) who sees it as their religious duty to help their Christian (or Jewish) neighbor against Hindus (or Christians) committing a pogrom?

All Hindu supremacists are Hindu, but all Hindus are not Hindu supremacists. They don't stop being Hindu because they are Hindu supremacists, only Hindus can tell & make them drop the "Hindu" identity from their supremacist ideology. Until that is done, they are Hindu supremacists.

Its quite similiar to all Islamic terrorists are Muslim, but all Muslims are not Islamic terrorists.

replace with religion or ethnicity as needed.

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I'm not OP, but why do you keep calling these people "Hindu" supremacists? They are just extremists and terrorists, not Hindus at all.

One of the core beliefs in Hinduism is ahimsa, ie, non-violence. Practicing ahimsa is extremely important for a Hindu, in order to achieve their ultimate goal of moksha (escape from the cycle of reincarnation) by accumulating good karma.

Anyone who doesn't practice ahmisa isn't qualified to be called a Hindu. Since they're not a Hindu, it's wrong to call them "Hindu supremacists", when there is no "Hindu" in them.

They call themselves Hindu and they follow Hindutva, the Hindu supremacist ideology. They say their cause is to create a Hindu rashtra (a Hindu nation). Their entire personality is built around the symbols & rituals & gods of Hinduism. If Hindus don't want their religion to be tarnished by association with these extremists and terrorists, then they should so something concrete to stop Hindu supremacists from calling themselves Hindu.

When they stop calling themselves Hindu, I'll also stop calling them Hindu supremacists.

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I don't cheer for children being persecuted, as they are usually too young to properly understand their religion. I also don't advocate such violent and brutal measures, even though there are and were Christians that used those exact methods to spread their religion. But I don't support Christianity, which is a religion of hate, and am not too concerned about adult Christians being attacked for their faith.

You don't have to support Christianity, or any religion for that matter, to be against religious persecution. They are mutually exclusive. They are not two sides of the same coin where you must land on one side or the other, they are two separate coins.

Yes, the victim of organized religion is the individual, but the victim of religious persecution is counterintuitively not the religion itself, nor its systems or organizations, it is unfortunately more individuals.

thank you for aying what I've been struggling to articulate.

Religious/ethnic persecution, religious/ethnic supremacism, and religious/ethnic extremism are the hallmarks of barbarism and opposing them is the minimum basic of a civilized people.

A Hindu supremacist mob doesn't gently take the children away to safety and then return to rape, torture, and kill their parents.

Well, it sounds as if your ideology is definitely one of hate, just like the ideology of some (!) Christians. Are you American?

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people have an even longer history of committing terrible atrocities. im personally in favour of revenge against such a horrible group of beings

Well, let’s assume the ancestors of these Christians had been forced into Christianity like it happened in Spain after the Reconquista. They were threatened by death in case they continued practicing their original religion. Their children were indoctrinated with Christian beliefs. Tens of thousands who weren’t able to let go off their own beliefs were killed publicly. Many have been falsely accused of secretly performing their old rites only to rob their fortunes. So eventually the kids of their had forgotten about their old religion and were Christians from the heart. Which according to you makes them a perfect victim for revenge loving people like you.

But of course, that was never the case in India. There lower cast Hindus made an informed decision to become Christians in order to get rid of the oppression by high cast Hindus. Which again, according to you, makes them a perfect victim for revenge loving people like you.

You really must be a wise human being with a deep sense of justice.

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