You can never really trust someone to turn off the remote desktop connection to Programmer – 382 points –

This is from 1982 TV show "Police Squad!", if anyone wonders.


Remote is something I'd only enable while using it. Once found my ubuntu (I use arch btw) with the setting on for some reason. Might be worth checking even if you never turned it on.

How do you switch it on when you don't have physical access to the computer?

I love that show, and Naked Gun. So funny 😂

Everything with Leslie Nielson is awesome. He can only play one role, but it's the best role.

He was well known as a dramatic actor before pivoting into comedy. That's why he got the role in Airplane, they wanted known dramatic actors to play all that absurdity straight. I was just re-reading about it to avoid saying anything dumb in this comment, and learned that when asked about being cast "against type" in comedies, he said that he'd always really been cast against type in his earlier dramatic roles, and comedy was what he wanted to be doing from the start. Glad he got his shot!

This post was immediately before this one in my feed.

How did you get in here?!

I. Am. Koloth.

That doesn't answer my question.

Yes. It. Does.