Mastodon: A Community So Vile They Even Eat Their Own. More Thoughts On Reddit. to – -61 points –

So half of this article is about Wil Wheaton getting "canceled" on Mastodon, but instead of objecting to it or exploring the implication the author spends most of his words ranting about how much he hates Wil Wheaton.

The other half of the article is about how Reddit is censorious, and has been getting worse at that over the years, and thus the fact that Lemmy is a "Reddit clone" means it must be bad. Completely missing the fact that the reason for Lemmy's popularity is because it is not as censorious as Reddit, and is a clone in terms of features only rather than in terms of management, And also that Lemmy is not Mastodon.

This is kind of weird.

Wil left Mastodon in 2018. The following 5 years have seen the Mastodon userbase change pretty significantly. Meanwhile the techrights site reports a self signed cert, so the odds that this site has any legitimate value whatsoever is essentially zero.

The author is kinda crazy. I am sad Wil Wheaton got bullied off of Mastodon.

Wil Wheaton is awesome. This guy isn't.

I mean, Wheaton is an idiot. A vile idiot. So vile that he should have fit right in with the rest of the leftist troll mob on Mastodon.

Detached from reality.

Like most tree hugging liberal hippies, Wheaton is sufficiently vile, that he attacks his own mother and father, in public, which is something that in decent cultures, like Japan, you would NEVER do.

Hahahahaha oh man wow. This right wing weeaboo just made my night.

2 more...

The “New Reddit” even recently got a makeover that makes it heavier and less compatible than ever.

as opposed to that shite firmly stuck in 2005

weird site, weird content, weird grudges. who are these people and why should anyone care?

self signed cert??

Yeah... the webmaster doesn't believe in "the SSL cartel"

I feel bad OP, you're gonna be eating downvotes all day for an article you apparently didn't write. But I gotta ask, why even post it if you knew the author was insane?

what did i just read