How to get rights rule

Rozaŭ to – 225 points –

You can't kill fascists with words. Democrats need to STFU about guns, and in fact loosen the gun control laws completely. The other side doesn't give a fuck and will buy guns to kill all LGBTQIA+ if they could. You think a fucking cop will protect you? They are on their side, not yours.

Also don't forget, gun control came after the black panthers were open carrying.

Could I get some more context? Seems like an interesting rabbit-hole to alice-about in

Iirc it's volunteers fighting with Rojava against ISIS

You might also find interesting the 8th December Incident on some French leftists who fought against Daehs and who were arrested out of suspicion on other stuff (then most were released).

Does anyone have a comprehensive breakdown/analysis of rojava? The opinions on what they're doing vary wildly. I know they're not strictly anarchist, and there's a considerable amount of of top-down power but they're still relatively decentralized? They also defend private property? It's an odd situation and I've had trouble finding reliable info on it