Rugrats, featuring a meme almost as old as time. Or almost as old as me. One or the other. to Antique Memes – 549 points –

Fun fact: Stu Pickles is 33

Fuck you, buddy. You've ruined my entire Saturday.

Sounds like you've lost control of your life

"Fun" fact?? It causes me distress lol.

Even more fun, he was 33 when this episode aired, he'd be 63 now. And if I'm right, Tommy would now be the age Didi was when she had him.

That was pretty old to have a 1 year old at the time. Pretty standard these days, but in the 90s most everyone was having babies early/mid 20s

I didn't pick up on any of the jokes with the adults when I was a kid. I wonder if it holds up nowadays so I could watch with my kid.

It absolutely does hold up. A bit dated in some ways but the show overall is still quality entertainment.

I dunno, if I’m making chocolate pudding at 4am I’d probably feel pretty in control of my life.

I’m usually asleep at 4am because that’s what society and my job and whatnot says I should do