Starfield NPCs keep getting bodied mid-sentence and it never isn't funny to me to – 151 points –
Starfield NPCs keep getting bodied mid-sentence and it never isn't funny to me

My favorite Bethesda game quirk is how the world keeps trying to kill and maim everyone while they have conversations.


This Fallout video is one of my favourite occurrences of this issue.

Holy shit my sides. That robot has 0 fucks to give, get slapped.

I'm pretty sure I woke up my neighbour laughing at that this morning... holy crap

This is the first thing I’m reading today, and I think it’s going to set the entire tone for the day. 

Thank you, it’s amazing!

I had [semi-important named NPC] die during a quest but then still talk to me as they were lying on the ground. Just Bethesda things, I guess.

They have a tiered system where important NPCs can't die until conditions are satisfied, wonder if the condition to die was satisfied but dialog still got delivered?

Sniping pirates and leaving them sitting in odd poses is oddly sad. Sometimes they freeze in place sitting on a couch or whatever. Low G has some weird stuff going on when you kill someone too, although watching dead bodies slowly float down is a neat touch.