It’s 2023 and Some Gamers Are Trying To Get a PlayStation Employee Fired for Playing an Xbox Game to – 14 points –
It’s 2023 and Some Gamers Are Trying To Get a PlayStation Employee Fired for Playing an Xbox Game

Trolls still enlisted int he console wars tried to get streamer, PlayStation employee Alanah Pearce fired for playing an Xbox game.


I get people preferring one platform over another. What I don't understand is platform loyalty/tribalism. It makes no sense. Just enjoy your games!

I honestly don’t know which is stupider, console wars or iPhone vs Android. Like. Use whatever you like to get your dopamine rush.

I especially can’t wrap my brain around being so loyal to your console that you’d try to get someone fired for playing a game on the other console. If you are at that point, you need to go outside for serious. Go for a nice hike in the woods or something.

iPhone vs. Apple

If you meant iPhone vs. Android... there are actual arguments to support Android if you want a system you can take control of.

I did; wth did I type lol

And let’s not start the phone wars, please.

Some people really just don't care about that at all

In this case I can understand some frustration if you have a PlayStation and can't play Starfield but would like to. But not to this degree. Just, like... post your disdain for the exclusivity online.

Trolls still enlisted int he console wars tried to get streamer, PlayStation employee Alanah Pearce fired for playing an Xbox game

WTF does this even mean?

Assholes that still believe that they should be loyal to a single megacorp are trying to get someone that works for said megacorp fired from their job for streaming a game that is on a competing megacorp's console

The PS fan boys are the least chill. See the PS blog whenever a PC version gets announced. Some of them are just incredibly partisan and sad.

And I truly do not get it. I was a PlayStation person before I got a PC, and I never understood it even then. Why are you getting mad at more people getting to play good games?

Because for the, it's their identiy. Their choice needs to "win", regardless of how stupid and self-defeating in the long run it is.