Trump Goes Full Deranged, Suggests Charging People He Doesn’t Like With Treason to – 126 points –

Why doesn't he just do it now?

I was under the impression that if you've been president, you have the power to do shit like declassify documents with your mind even after leaving office.

So maybe he should just charge them with treason in his mind, it's the same thing.

Given that every accusation is an admission, this indicates he realizes how deep the shit he's in is. Good. Let him stew.

this indicates he realizes how deep the shit he’s in is

If this motherfucker actually faces any real consequences, I swear I'll eat my fucking hat. They've done literally everything they can to slow walk his prosecution.

They literally weren't going to prosecute him in the documents case until it became abundantly clear that he had no intention of ever giving the documents back. The normal route for this kind of thing is the politician says "Oops I'm sowwy" and nothing happens to them after they've given back documents in question.

They literally only pursued him for this after they gave him months of chances to walk away without ever facing a courtroom. They gave him countless opportunities to return the documents and have the entire thing just hushed up and ignored.

I have very little faith in what is left of our legal system being able to reign this motherfucker in.

I'm shocked, this many years later, when regular citizens are murdered by cops for far less, that anyone could see it as any different. He's out here walking free and intimidating literally anyone and everyone involved in these cases. There are no real consequences for him, and I'm sick to death of all the excuses for why. It's the same kind of bullshit excuses they gave us when Mueller was investigating.

The simple, obvious answer is: It's a big club, and we ain't in it.

What's you favorite hat flavor?...

This guy seems to be so intent on sticking to his guns no matter what, that I wouldn't be surprised if he became the first one to actually get some consequences. It is a big club indeed, but rule one of the club is to keep the appearances; he's breaking that with pretty much every word he says.

We let literal war criminals walk. Bush and Cheney are still viewed favorably by people and walk around as thought they weren't architects of an illegal war and illegal torture of prisoners of war on top of countless pointless deaths.

People acted like it was "cute" when Bush shared candy with Michelle Obama. No, it was sick propaganda meant to normalize a war criminal in the public eye.

I don't know what to tell you, the past informs the present. If you think the system will protect war criminals but won't protect Trump, I think you're naive.

Those are apples and oranges. Yes busy and Cheney should face the consequences of their action. But this time you have to consider just how public this is. Regardless of the outcome, I don't see people being quiet this time and that's going to force a hand. Bush and Cheney didn't go on tv every day denying what they did, they just stayed quiet. Trump cannot stay quiet. Trump is not a politician and refuses to play by even the Republicans rules.

The simple, obvious answer is: It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it.

i cant believe the other club members are letting this buffoon wander around saying the quiet things out loud. hes ripe for a schedule heart attack.

imagine what the rest of them are getting away with in their silence.

In speeches, interviews and campaign videos, Trump has promised to:

Use the military to participate in the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants in American history;

Order the National Guard into cities with high crime rates, whether local officials want it or not;

Prosecute Californians who protect minors coming to the state for gender-affirming care;

Impose a 10% tariff on almost all foreign goods, increasing prices for consumers;

Appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” his political opponents, beginning with Biden;

Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions his views.

This isa reminder for us Americans to vote like your life depends on it, for many of us it does.

It doesn't matter how "in the bag" the election looks, it's not over until the votes are counted.

....and the capitol has been stormed, apparently

That's why ensuring that they have as little of power as possible is important, and ensuring that should the worst happen you have the means to protect yourself or a group of allies who are willing to help protect you.

What would have happened if they controlled enough of Congress to not certify the election? There were about 170 who said no, what if they had over half?

We can't let them win anymore elections, they are not a party that supports democracy. In fact they are in recent times openly speaking of their lack of support of the concept.

LOL MSDNC, nobody calls it that but the orange floating turd himself. Maybe we should start calling it FoxRNC then?

If you did act more like him he’d end up being insecure. He’s a bully and that’s what his people likes. Finally getting the win’s they have thought about in the showers for the last decade. It seems silly to use names and bully, but it works great on humans.

This is the thing that blows my mind the most. If you just went in on this turd and called him out and called him names and called him stupid, he would absolutely lose his shit and lose control of his faculties. He absolutely is a fucking baby and cannot handle being bullied himself.

I know it seems backwards, but bullying bullies tends to work. They are bullies because they are pussies who get away with abusing others. The second they face consequences, the crocodile tears roll out. My opinion is let 'em fucking cry about it, this is how they wanted to play the game.

If the media did this and called him on his bs, I bet we’d be done with this fucker long ago. No, they baby him act like the things he says make sense and are acceptable. Do these news people not have to live with the monster that they helped create?

I want someone to call him Diaper Don to his face. Just once.

Seriously anyone calling him out for his age, his obesity, his weakness, his senility, the fact that he has to smell like absolute shit wherever he goes. Make him bend over and lift something heavy to prove his prowess and if he won't do it lift it yourself and then chuck it at the fat fucking piece of shit.

Fuck, just go up on the debate stage with a big safety pin over your nose and make the next hour expounding on how awful he smells between spewing vomit (preferably all over Trump) because of the smell.

Donald "I don't know what treason is" Trump

Donald "I know treason, okay, many people - important people, everyone knows, and the treason is coming from them, okay, the Democrats, they're the treason, lots of people tell me, and smart people - they know, folks, they know who's doing the treason, okay?" Trump