SteamVR 2.0 beta adds tons of new features to – 160 points –
SteamVR 2.0 beta adds tons of new features

New chat tools, a better keyboard, and a new store interface

The new features since the headline is a little too clickbaity

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This makes me more confident that their next hardware release will be a standalone/PC hybrid VR headset to compete with the quest 2/3.

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New store interface….???

Deckard stand-alone VR rumors intensify

if deckard turns out to be inside out tracked with a depth sensor to scan the playspace instead of having to manually set it like how quest 3 is said to have soon I will scream

I mainly like that it shows non vr games in the recent games now. It was an absolute pain to navigate and find a flat game, even if I had just played it a minute earlier.


Steam vs Apple future is becoming apparent. This is the kind of competition this market needs.

If Apple actually wants to compete in affordable VR gaming maybe.

Seemingly apple doesn't want VR gaming at all, so that should be an easy win