Google released this weather feature inside google maps, only on iPhones over 4 years ago. Is it ever coming to Android? to – 72 points –
Google Maps is rolling out a new weather feature, but it seems to be iOS only right now

I think it's neat, I just discovered it today when browsing on someone's iphone. Or is it a step in the wrong direction towards 1-in-all apps like Wechat?


Funny enough, Google is being sued in the EU right now by commercial weather service providers precisely because Google is showing their own weather results at the top of any other possible search result, which they consider unfair competition. Recent EU legislation restricts market leaders from using their near monopolistic position to gatekeep other content.

So I doubt this feature will be pushed further right now.

Good, more countries should up the pressure, on every company possible.
Tele2 in Sweden was fined one million euros for using Google Analytics, Grindr has now lost its appeal and must pay almost six million for their data gathering and sharing, Valve is being dragged for geolocking content, and so on and so forth.

Be it sub-par privacy, abuse of monopolistic positions or anything else, it's high time they all get held accountable for it.

I hope not. Maps has become cluttered with nonsense I'm not interested in enough already.

I wish there were better alternatives. I really dislike what maps has become. It used to be streamlined. Now in most views i get so many POI listings (ads) on the map its cluttered and confusing. There's that weird bottom shelf thing that pops up that I have to swipe down... I tried using Here Maps but it once let me to a dead end thinking it was a road and it has this weird bug in navigation mode where it blurs half of display. I opened a ticket with them months ago and they never solved it.

Have you ever tried something based on OpenStreetMap? Apps like Organic Maps or OsmAnd are really useful and work offline too.

For whatever reason maps is my go to search when using Google. I often just want a bar or restaurant website without dealing with Google search and maps is much faster

Honestly same. It’s much more handy for searching things that are nearby, because you can just select a specific search area.

Speaking of all in one apps, I kinda miss when Navigation was a separate app. Being able to browse the map separately while navigating was useful.

Seems like a fairly useless feature (imo), if I am navigating to somewhere via driving, the weather is gonna be roughly the same as where I am now. For me it would just be clutter.

Interesting. Where I live anything over an hour can result in a pretty drastic weather difference.

Same, precipitation banding and wind conditions vary drastically a half hour away with some frequency around me.

Interesting, well, fair enough, maybe its not useless then.

Always a weird feeling to drive with a stormfront in your neck, following you