it was a wild ride

coyotino [he/him] to Jokes and – 149 points –

Joe Biden blasted me with his 5g rays a few minutes earlier than expected

Gotta keep us on our toes, the crafty mfer

I heard the alert on my phone and suddenly I was dismantling a fired sniper rifle in a city I've never even been to before.

Caught me by surprise.

It was nice to get an over-the-air update to the microchips they put in my Covid vaccine at least!

Tell me about it, ever since I heard it I've APPROACH THE 5G TOWER got this odd tic HAIL JOE BIDEN in my left shoulder. I hope BUY BIRKENSTOCKS it goes away soon.

I haven’t gotten any alerts yet.

Considering what a failed alert system resulted in here recently, I am a bit concerned.

edit: oh, hey, there it is, 9 hrs later

2 more...

I got the alert in the middle of a god damn library