This gives Google LESS access to your data! - YouTube to Open – 80 points –
This gives Google LESS access to your data!

Love these kinds of projects. Recently been using this FOSS STT app on degoogled phone: (see releases for APKs)

Which has been great because I went years without STT.

This Futo looks promising with the punctuation. Now only if they publish to fdoid.

I would like to see an F-Droid release as well, but in the mean time you can use Obtanium to pull the APK right from the Futo website.

How? I couldn't get it to work.

You download and launch Obtanium. You tap on 'Add App'. You copy/paste into the 'App Source URL' field and click on 'Add'. Now, this might take some time, maybe a few minutes. Then you should be able to install the app. Obtanium will notify you whenever an update is released, and it will also allow you to download and install the new version.

What is incredible about this product is that I can speak normally and fluently as I normally do.

The need to look at the output as you speak is only necessary if you expect there to be errors. FUTO, amazingly, performs extremely well in this regard and I have a high confidence in not being able to trip it up. I don't feel that I need to look down at a live transcription.

This whole comment was written using FUTO voice input. I'm definitely going to donate to them.

This whole comment was written using FUTO voice input.

Was the device owner involved?

This is not free software. See license.

Subject to the terms of this license, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to access and use the code solely for the purposes of review, compilation and non-commercial distribution.

In other words, I can't download the code, reskin it and sell "Bob's Voice to Text" for $1.29 on the play store. Seems reasonable to me.

But, if I understand correctly, you cannot create your own fork and modify the code to improve it / alter features. Right? Then it's not FOSS.

Amendment; it seems the other FUTO product has a 10 purchase. So it's not free, but seems to be winrar's approach. "Please pay, but if you don't we won't know"

Assuming my understanding is correct;

By the spirit of the definition, no.

By the literal definition - yes; it's free and the source is open to look at. You could fork it, but you can't sell your own version.

No, free in FOSS stands for libre or independent, not the financial definition. Due to the license restrictions, the software is not "free".

I have no idea if you could redistribute a modified version freely without breaching the license terms - enforcement is key. The language could be there just to prevent any of the big tech companies from just forking and profiting from the work.

This is purely speculation, and shouldn't be considered fact.

The video title is definitely clickbait, but the app is actually really good.

yeah, the clickbait title almost turned me off, but I did end up watching video. I'm not really into STT (or voice assistants in general), but the keyboard they are allegedly working on does sound pretty sweet and I would definitely be interested in that.

Being that even if you go to their site there is no mention that I could see of this STT/voice input product, I wonder if I'll ever be able to find out about said keyboard, should it actually release. For reference, the direct link to the voice input site is

edit: I also wanted to add that I was unaware of the saved recordings thing, which is horrifying, yet unsurprising... makes me glad I don't/didn't use STT... I think... maybe I should go check...

I don't believe that anything gives Google less access to my data.

Why not? There are a lot of things that can help people to give less data to Google: ad blocker, Firefox, Firefox with Google container, avoid using Gmail, avoid using YouTube...


A deGoogled ROM, or if you still need Google services, GrapheneOS.

Apart from the Firefox Google container (that's available only on PC), all the rest can be achieve everywhere.

Edit: I use Android, I just suppose that an AdBlocker can be used on iOS.

Google still has access to info on iOS. You pretty much have to use a TOR browser if you want to avoid Google even in iOS, and I wouldn't be surprised if they've found a way in through that.

You can plug all those holes, but your data is still leaking. And wait until Googles new Web Integrity API is implemented. They have a thousand tentacles that are grabbing data. You can cut off a hundred of them, but it really doesn't make a difference.

But let's be practical: if I use th Firefox Google container and all the link I open are just the website I want ro visit, if I'm not logged in any Google service, how can Google monitor me on my PC?

P.s. I also use (along with other) the Cookie Auto Delete plugin.

@peregus @Meho_Nohome If the website is using Google analytics or AdSense you may have to use a adblocker too.

Well, using Cookies Auto Delete, that's not true if the scope is not to get tracked, because even with Google tracker, Google wouldn't know that was me. Maybe with Canvas Blocker too, to protect against fingerprinting.

GrapheneOS is the open source android OS on pixel hardware without any google binary blobs.

The advantage of using it is Google develops and optimizes the OS so it works on their hardware. The GrapheneOS project compiles the source code, hardens some parts, and boom

Ah yes, binary binary large objects

I've always thought of "blob" in yerms of ot being opaque and hard to understand, like a blob of putty with little structure you can dig into to get at it, you just have to take it as one solid barely understandable mass to use it.

Never thought of it as Binary Large OBject ;p

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